Anyone use Cyclone before


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

just want to find out if anyone has used the gadget before.

It claims fuel savings of up to 15%.

Just want to find out if any fellow forumer has experience with it.

Thanks :)
Used it once on the Swift helps smoothen the idling....cos its a 3 cylinder engine.

Fuel saving ?? Nar...can't see....can't feel.
IMO, the cyclone does help in carburettor cars as the swirling does allow the fuel to mix with the incoming air more evenly (kinda like stirring coffee) The incoming mixture has the entire manifold to mix and turn about itself. In fuel injection cars, the turning air has just the short intake port to mix the fuel up with the air and this has to be done while the air bends within the port and squeezes past the intake valves.

Therefore it leads me to believe that the mixing effec tin the cyclone will not be as effective in a fuel injection car. The actual resistance of the air flow within the intake tract will actually impede the flow of air.

;) ;) ;)

On the e34' 24v there is already an original cyclone at the beginning of the airbox intake tube. Guess BMW was ahead of their time...
i installed one for about $130 on my E46. Fuel consumption, according to the onboard computer, fell from 11 litres/100 km to 10.1 litres/100 km. Power wise, it feels a little zippier. Overall, it's a cheap gadget that saves you some $$$ on fuel. Give it a try!
noew said:
i installed one for about $130 on my E46. Fuel consumption, according to the onboard computer, fell from 11 litres/100 km to 10.1 litres/100 km. Power wise, it feels a little zippier. Overall, it's a cheap gadget that saves you some $$$ on fuel. Give it a try!


does the zippy feeling apply to the entire rev range? In particular the higher end?

noew said:
i installed one for about $130 on my E46. Fuel consumption, according to the onboard computer, fell from 11 litres/100 km to 10.1 litres/100 km. Power wise, it feels a little zippier. Overall, it's a cheap gadget that saves you some $$$ on fuel. Give it a try!
may i know what model is your ride pls

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