Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

out of curiosity, how would you guys make a right turn?
if the cyclist would be a vehicle, would you have posted the video and say he was doing wrong?
consider that you are in a vehicle and he's on a BICYCLE, can he go any faster than you?
why couldn't you have given way for him and consider his safety, would it matter that you are delayed by a couple more seconds.
that particular cyclist may have gone a head before the lights but you could have just given way and made everyone's life better.
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

Safety should always start with oneself ...... The cyclist cannot assume that everyone views safety first as important.

For others, it could be Lao sai first or house on fire first ......

jvhuiz;1041083 said:
out of curiosity, how would you guys make a right turn?
if the cyclist would be a vehicle, would you have posted the video and say he was doing wrong?
consider that you are in a vehicle and he's on a BICYCLE, can he go any faster than you?
why couldn't you have given way for him and consider his safety, would it matter that you are delayed by a couple more seconds.
that particular cyclist may have gone a head before the lights but you could have just given way and made everyone's life better.
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

soon walking also need to b licensed in case pple walk too slow in front of u or suddenly jump in front... how can? duno how 2 walk issit? FT issit? where he learn 2 walk one? better license this walkers... or COE for walking HAHAHHA... no joke 6.9M ok gona get dam freaking crowded soon...
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

Was in Amsterdam earlier this week.. Saw bicycle lane side by side with road lane.. The cyclists are quite hiong on the road... But somehow the drivers and cyclists won't crash or hit each other... As if they are aware of each other and also the timing / bad habits...

The issue I see here is one CAM trying to impose his lifestyle / habit without consideration that sg is not a mass cyclist nation.. While the no. of cyclists is growing, we have not reach the stage of having a bicycle lane yet.. Until then I hope all CAMs can respect the local people and the road regulation...
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

leebmer;1041100 said:
Until then I hope all CAMs can respect the local people and the road regulation...

I wud say... just respect his own safety.
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

MTL monetized the situation. All cyclists must bid for coe under cat a-1 before they can buy bicycle. Also for licence they must attend safety video where gory scenes of cyclists getting killed are shown. And then limit them to the 700km park connectors as some have suggested.
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

jvhuiz;1041083 said:
out of curiosity, how would you guys make a right turn?
if the cyclist would be a vehicle, would you have posted the video and say he was doing wrong?
consider that you are in a vehicle and he's on a BICYCLE, can he go any faster than you?
why couldn't you have given way for him and consider his safety, would it matter that you are delayed by a couple more seconds.
that particular cyclist may have gone a head before the lights but you could have just given way and made everyone's life better.

If you have to ask then you have not been paying attention - quote from D3.
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

Pinky;1041038 said:
Like it or not, races have certain traits. Chinese like to gamble for example. Jinooi if you were provoked, would you react that way?I doubt So.Likewise I know I won't. And I think most who posted here would not either. If it is a one off, i am seeing too many. After all we are still the majority no? It's a lot easier for Singaporeans to get caught behaving badly.

I agree. Most of the idiotic cyclists are ang moh; similarly ang moh charbohs tend to be very aggressive drivers. Whilst we all go on about PRCs defecating in public etc, we should not forget that angmoh also got trash. Unfortunately, our Garment seem to think that all are hoe liao.
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

jvhuiz said:
out of curiosity, how would you guys make a right turn?
if the cyclist would be a vehicle, would you have posted the video and say he was doing wrong?
consider that you are in a vehicle and he's on a BICYCLE, can he go any faster than you?
why couldn't you have given way for him and consider his safety, would it matter that you are delayed by a couple more seconds.
that particular cyclist may have gone a head before the lights but you could have just given way and made everyone's life better.

Discussed, but no conclusion.

Wouldn't it be these ways?
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

of cos there is a conclusion. just that u blind urself to it.

go write in to LTA for your answer if u do not want to accept any here.

1. a cyclist must behave like a slow vehicle. that's it.

2. if a cyclists wants to cross using the crossings. u has to dismount. whether its lights/zebra or bridge.
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

kenntona;1041122 said:
totoseow;1041126 said:
of cos there is a conclusion. just that u blind urself to it.

go write in to LTA for your answer if u do not want to accept any here.

1. a cyclist must behave like a slow vehicle. that's it.

2. if a cyclists wants to cross using the crossings. u has to dismount. whether its lights/zebra or bridge.
Clap clap. Both veteran Bro has provided/contributed to those who don't know or still don't know how a cyclist should behave on the road.

In fact, it was shown on either Ch-5,Ch-8 or CNA a few years back. They even stated, cyclist can be fined if they don't follow the traffic rules (as in Kennotna's graphic)... plus can be fined if did not dismount to push bicycle across the pedestrian crossing at traffic light junction or zebra crossing. Problem is enforcement.
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Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....


[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]ROAD TRAFFIC ACT

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana](CHAPTER 276, SECTION 140)



[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]These Rules may be cited as the Road Traffic (Bicycles) Rules. Definitions.


[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires - "bicycle" means a pedal bicycle, a pedal tricycle, a trishaw or a power-assisted bicycle;

"hours of darkness" means the time between sunset and sunrise; "power-assisted bicycle" means a bicycle that is equipped with an electric motor and that may be propelled by muscular power or by the electric motor with which it is equipped, or by both.

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Towing not permitted


[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]No bicycle shall when on any road be towed by any other vehicle. Restriction on number of persons carried


[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana](1) No bicycle shall be used to carry at one time more persons than the number for which it is designed.

(2) Except as provided in paragraph 3, but subject to paragraph 4, no person shall be carried as a pillion passenger on a bicycle unless the bicycle is designed such as to be provided with a seat for a pillion passenger.

(3) A child below the age of 12 years may be carried on a properly constructed seat or carrier affixed to a pedal bicycle.

(4) No person below the age of 16 years shall be carried as a pillion passenger on a power-assisted bicycle.

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Riders to give signals


[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]The rider of a bicycle shall in order to inform traffic that he intends

(a) to ‘stop’ - hold out his right arm horizontally with the forearm vertical and with the palm of the hand to the front;

(b) to ‘slow down’ - hold out his right arm horizontally with the palm of the hand downwards, and move the arm up and down several times;

(c) to ‘proceed to the right’ - hold out his right arm horizontally with the palm of the hand to the front; and

(d) to ‘proceed to the left’ - hold out his left arm horizontally with the palm of the hand to the front. Signals to be made in sufficient time.


[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Signals under rule 5 shall be made in sufficient time to enable traffic to take appropriate action for the avoidance of danger. Travelling abreast prohibited.


[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana](1) No bicycle shall be ridden on the right of another vehicle proceeding in the same direction except when overtaking such other vehicle.

(2) No bicycle shall be ridden on the right of any two other bicycles proceeding abreast in the same direction except when overtaking such other bicycles or on parts of roads or paths set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.

(3) Wherever part of a road or a path adjacent to a road has been set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles, no bicycle shall be used on any other part of the roadway.

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Bicycle to be ridden on left side of road


[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Every bicycle shall be ridden close to the left hand edge of the roadway and in such a manner as not to obstruct vehicles moving at a faster speed. Load on bicycle not to exceed 18 kg.


[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana](1) No load on any two-wheel bicycle shall weigh more than 18 kg or be of such dimensions as to cause or be likely to cause danger, obstruction or annoyance to persons using the road, and every load shall be properly and rigidly secured to the bicycle. Limitations of height, etc. of load.

(2) No load on any pedal tricycle shall overhang the body fitted thereto nor shall the height of any such load be more than one metre from the ground. Bicycle to be ridden in an orderly manner.


[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]No bicycle shall be ridden or propelled otherwise than in an orderly manner and with due regard for the safety of others. Lights to be carried by bicycles during darkness.


[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana](1) Every pedal bicycle or power-assisted bicycle shall, during the hours of darkness, carry a lamp showing to the front a white light visible from a reasonable distance.

(2) Every pedal tricycle and trishaw shall, during the hours of darkness, carry a lamp fixed to the offside of the vehicle and showing to the front a white light visible from a reasonable distance.

(3) Every bicycle shall, during the hours of darkness, carry a lamp or a red reflector showing to the rear a red light or a red reflector visible from a reasonable distance.

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Restriction on nature of lights


[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana](1) No bicycle shall show a red light to the front.

(2) No bicycle shall show any light other than a red light to the rear. Requirements for use of power-assisted bicycle.


[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana](1) No person shall use a power-assisted bicycle on a road unless the power-assisted bicycle

(a) complies with the requirements specified in the Schedule to the Road Traffic (Power-Assisted Bicycles Approval) Rules 2004 (G.N. No. S 768/2004); and

(b) has been approved and sealed in accordance with those Rules.

(2) No person below the age of 16 years shall ride a power-assisted bicycle on a road.

(3) Every person who rides a power-assisted bicycle on a road or who is carried as a pillion passenger on a power-assisted bicycle on a road shall wear securely on his head a suitable protective bicycle helmet.

Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

It is always wise to keep a copy of the Road Traffic Act in ur glove compartment for such situations and u need to call police. Can pretend to be a lawyer
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

totoseow said:
of cos there is a conclusion. just that u blind urself to it.

go write in to LTA for your answer if u do not want to accept any here.

1. a cyclist must behave like a slow vehicle. that's it.

2. if a cyclists wants to cross using the crossings. u has to dismount. whether its lights/zebra or bridge.

Sorry, you are not making any logic at all. Angst does not make any argument or discussion logical.

Anyhow, I googled.

Road Traffic Action Chapter 276 Section 140 says:

8. Every bicycle shall be ridden close to the left hand edge of the roadway and in such a manner as not to obstruct vehicles moving at a faster speed.

7. (1) No bicycle shall be ridden on the right of another vehicle proceeding in the same direction except when overtaking such other vehicle.

There was no mention of cyclists having the power to turn right just like a slow vehicle.

Oh, follow the rules, the "rider of a bicycle shall in order to inform traffic that he intends (c)to ‘proceed to the right’ — hold out his right arm horizontally with the palm of the hand to the front."

Not wanting to point the finger but my eyesight was so poor I could not see the cyclist in the clip doing that.

Anyone who knows the rules better and not vested as a cyclist to comment ?
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

like someone mentioned above. there is no tolerance here on both sides. heck. cars cant even agree with cars.

that ang mor is a dick. he was right all the way until he behaved like a dick. also I noticed the video is silent. who knows? the driver could have been horning him for a long time. driver cud be one of those here who refused to accept that a cyclist can come out to a right turning lane like the ang mor did. I hv been horned this way b4.

I know whats it like to be a cyclist AND a driver......this country is made up of self centered s-holes who think they have arrived when they buy a car. perhaps rightly so cos cars here are stupidly expensive....and of cos more n more ppl look at cyclists like flies buzzing around them..
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

Let's discuss this topic in a mature and logical manner with respect to BOTH traffic rules road ethics. One cannot simply champion the rights of any specific groups and expect the rest of the road users to intepret the rules in a different way. If all have to share the roads, that means there is only one intepretation.

Following the citation of the LAW, I can only see a "keep-left" reference.
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

Plus can literally throw the book at him.

MW;1041135 said:
It is always wise to keep a copy of the Road Traffic Act in ur glove compartment for such situations and u need to call police. Can pretend to be a lawyer
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

Car driver thinks: "Because I paid so much for the COE so I could pay more to buy a car, I must be the king of the road, regardless of life and/or limb."

Afterthought: "That is, until I came face to face with a cement mixer or tipper truck and realised that my over-priced car has less metal than a dump truck."

Cyclist thinks: "Because I am an Ang Mo Dua Ki 3rd Tier Foreign Talent but Suddenly 1st Tier can drink Tiger & fcuk local woman swinging dick in Singapore, therefore whatever I do sure right - since I am Ang Mo Dua Ki"

Afterthought: "That is, until I came face to face with car driver with video camera & liberal horning habits and realised that bicycle has much much less metal than overpriced car".

Moral of the story: it's not how much you paid for your car, or how big your dick is. Neither will do you much good when you're paralysed from the neck down after learning that flesh always comes up second best against metal.
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Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

Wobbles, it is not about who owns the road with the COE.

Some safety logic must prevail. Let's sidetrack a bit, take the case of Newton Circus. A cyclist is at 6 o'clock position, wanting to go to 3 o'clock. As far as my two-cents are worth, there are only 3 ways:

(1) Ride on the left and pass each exit at 9 o'clock and 12 o'clock and pray no exiting vehicles will run you down.

(2) Counter clockwise - dismount and cross the road, if possible, then walk to 3 o'clock (since he cannot cycle counter direction) and then cross the 3 o'clock road.

(3) Clockwise - dismount and cross at 9 o'clock and then dismount and cross at 12 o'clock again, the ride and filter left.

Of course, one can also argue that you can ride in the middle lanes and try to exit at 3 o'clock, but we all know that's bullocks.

Anyone with an alternative route to the situation?

Back to the cross junction scenario. Now the same cyclist wanna engage a right turn. Of course, he can follow the dismount and walk across the traffic lights - this would be the safest and logical solution.

But if he chose to take the right turning lanes, and not to "obstruct vehicles moving at faster speeds," he can only argue to stick to the left side of the right turning lanes. Imagine a busy junction with cars from the OPPOSITE side turning right too.

That is just a tragic head-on accident waiting to happen.
Re: Another case of conflict between car and cyclist....

Kenn, I whole-heartedly agree with you on EVERY point - it's the 3rd Tier Ang Mo Dua Kis out there that somehow have to understand that rules in Singapore actually DO apply to them as well, even though they can jump bail & still be PRs.

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