Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h


Well-Known Member
Anyone experience before? I don't know is it my air intake/exhaust(stock) or due wheel bigger rear wheel( shaggered). Only hear it when I accelerate at 80km/h but softer after 100km/h. :huhhuh:
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Re: Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h

Very hard to understand what you're try to say.
Re: Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h

Also can't figure out what problem that you are trying to articulate. If you scroll down a little, you will see a list of Similar Threads. Any of them address your problem?

Bigger rear wheels = Staggered wheels. Shagger is someone with a big front d___ in action.
Re: Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h

Think OP wants to find out noise he experiences when driving till 80km/hr but noise disappear after 100/hr? Since you didn't state what type of noise, try staying on lower gears (higher revs) and see if noise there and disappears when at higher gear with lower revs to see if noise's from intake/exhaust.
Re: Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h

Sorry for my poor explanation, I think JuzMe understand me lol. Btw I don't think my E90 cant do lower gears( higher revs ). Well that sounds seem like when you are travelling at high speed in a open top car. Just sound but no feel of air flow.
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Re: Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h

your e90 dont have steptronic?
Can you push your gear stick to the left then up/down? If so, you can drive in a lower gear.
Re: Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h

Or buy a sprint booster. It's helps the throttle response, tricks your mind into thinking you have a powerful car.
Re: Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h

Aww I forget about that function will try later. Haha
Re: Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h

If all else fail, do a throttle adaptation reset. The previous driver may be a slow coach and the computer has remembered his /her driving style

Over time the ECU in the trans learns your driving style and that is what it keeps in memory. The throttle is "Drive By Wire" and adapts and personalizes to your particular driving style. However, there is a way to set the ECU back to factory default.

Resetting the Adaptive Driver Memory for the transmission.

Works with any car that has Driver Adaptive Electronic Controlled Transmission.

1. Get in your car, it doesn't matter if you close the door or not.
2. Put in the key FOB, (Do not step on the brakes or the accelerator), then push the start stop button. This will not start the engine.
3. Press the gas pedal to the floor with the key in the "on" position. BMW: All lights on.
4. Hold the pedal to the floor for 30 seconds, then foot off brake, you should hear a 'click sound' coming from the the center console.
5. Press the start stop button to off the car.
6. Turn on the engine and drive off

So now I understand your issue, you feel the car is driving in to high of a gear, so there is little to no acceleration from 80-90?
Re: Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h

The problem I felt should be from the exhaust. It appear during 80km/h but get smoother after hit 100km/h. I hear the same when I parked my car with engine running near a wall and with passage door open. My bro also complaint about the exhaust heat too lol. As for the acceleration things is when sudden pick up to over take car at any speed the rpm will drop then power kick in about 1-2 sec later. Wonder is this normal too.
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Re: Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h

From what you explain, your car is dropping gear to pick up speed. Which indicates that you are traveling at the wrong gear for your driving style. Do a throttle reset and see if it helps
Re: Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h

MCM;1071313 said:
The problem I felt should be from the exhaust. It appear during 80km/h but get smoother after hit 100km/h. I hear the same when I parked my car with engine running near a wall and with passage door open. My bro also complaint about the exhaust heat too lol. As for the acceleration things is when sudden pick up to over take car at any speed the rpm will drop then power kick in about 1-2 sec later. Wonder is this normal too.

I think the previous owner was light foot, the GB already remember his driving style and always want to change to 6th gear around 80km/h. Refuse to kick down. Re-setting your GB and 're-trained' the GB with your own driving style should help.
Re: Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h

alvinado;1071057 said:
If all else fail, do a throttle adaptation reset. The previous driver may be a slow coach and the computer has remembered his /her driving style

Over time the ECU in the trans learns your driving style and that is what it keeps in memory. The throttle is "Drive By Wire" and adapts and personalizes to your particular driving style. However, there is a way to set the ECU back to factory default.

Resetting the Adaptive Driver Memory for the transmission.

Works with any car that has Driver Adaptive Electronic Controlled Transmission.

1. Get in your car, it doesn't matter if you close the door or not.
2. Put in the key FOB, (Do not step on the brakes or the accelerator), then push the start stop button. This will not start the engine.
3. Press the gas pedal to the floor with the key in the "on" position. BMW: All lights on.
4. Hold the pedal to the floor for 30 seconds, then foot off brake, you should hear a 'click sound' coming from the the center console.
5. Press the start stop button to off the car.
6. Turn on the engine and drive off

So now I understand your issue, you feel the car is driving in to high of a gear, so there is little to no acceleration from 80-90?
step 1 & 2 ok. Step 3 after floor gas pedal all icon light goes off.Step 4 brake off??? Which step need step brake??
Re: Air pressure( no wind) or noise pressure when accelerate between 80- 90 km/h

MCM;1071628 said:
step 1 & 2 ok. Step 3 after floor gas pedal all icon light goes off.Step 4 brake off??? Which step need step brake??

bro, I think you better sent the car to the workshop.
it's much safer IMHO cause you seem to have problem explaining yourself. Now, comprehension/guesstimation also seem to be the case.

my guess to your question is that line 4 was a typo that should be:
Hold the pedal to the floor for 30 seconds (with the foot still off the brake), you should hear a 'click sound' coming from the center console.

but to confirm, I asked my friend, google : "throttle adaptation reset".
he replied tons and these are more relevant.
1) TBA (Throttle Body Adaptation) RESET - solution to Throttle Lag
- Put the power on but do not start the engine.
- Floor the throttle for 30-60 seconds
- Keep the throttle to the floor and put the power OFF
- Release the throttle and wait 2 minutes.
During the 2 minutes you should feel or hear some kind of mechanical sound.
That should tell you the reset is complete.
Start the car and go

2) Throttle Body Adaptation Reset
1. Never touch the break pedal & key remains inserted the entire time
2. Insert key and push START Button
3. Press and HOLD accelerator pedal for 30 seconds (some say 5, some say 25 seconds - I did 30 to be sure).
5. Release accelerator pedal
6. Wait full 2 minutes
7. Start car normally

3) Resetting the Adaptive Driver Memory for the Automatic Transmission - Bimmerfest - BMW Forums
1. Get in your car, it doesn't matter if you close the door or not.
2. Turn the key to the on (not start) position, the position just before the starter turns over. BMW: press start button – foot off brake - all idiot lights on.
3. Press the gas pedal to the floor with the key in the "on" position. BMW: All idiot lights on.
4. Hold the pedal to the floor for five seconds, then turn the key back to the "off position". BMW: foot off brake press start button - all idiot lights now off (don't remove the key), then release the gas pedal.
5. Wait a full 2 minutes for a full electronic alignment. Don't remove the key.
6. Start engine, drive the car, notice the difference.
