

Well-Known Member
Hi! I am very curious as to how come there is vibration when in low rev? It does not happen with the high rev.
Re: Advice

huh? can you please be more specific? Engine vibration, rolling vibration or what? Cannot any feedback based on this
Re: Advice

I am not too sure ... but there seems to be a vibration when i am moving off from traffic lights ... There also seems to be a griding sound once in a very blue moon ... wonder what is happening ...
Re: Advice

Maybe u felt in when there's construction work goin on underneath.
Re: Advice

did u change ur exhaust to an after market one....?
i do experience vibrating too after i have changed my exhaust.....
Re: Advice

imo ,might be you engine mounts ... when they collapse on your ride. its vibration almost everywhere .
Re: Advice

Thanks for ur advice ... most pro i will go check it out and let you ppl know ... but in the meantime, do keep the replies pouring in ...
Re: Advice

Does vibration happens when u are on the brakes while in D at the traffic lights? If yes, does the RPM dips once in a while?

Do you feel as if your whole car is vibrating while you step on the accelerator? If yes, most probably is your engine mounting.

However, have you go through a GT1 check to see if any sensors are failing?
Re: Advice

beem said:
Does vibration happens when u are on the brakes while in D at the traffic lights? If yes, does the RPM dips once in a while?

Do you feel as if your whole car is vibrating while you step on the accelerator? If yes, most probably is your engine mounting.

However, have you go through a GT1 check to see if any sensors are failing?

As for vibrations while on the brake, not that i know off ... The cae does feel like vibrating when on the accelerator ... Am i right to say that its most likey the engine mounting ...

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