yky said:
As Bernard said that he tuned the Obit 'across the range', I took it that he did also tuned the close loop portion as well. So by right, the ECU should adapt back to its original settings sooner or later.....I just hope that it's later...or not at all

, as I am enjoying the improved 'light' feeling of my drive now
If the car really adapts back to the original power settings, then may have no choice but to do flash programming liao....this will not adapt right?
By the way, any idea whether the Obit and flash programing ( HIOP ) can co-exist or must I remove the Obit B4 flashing?
Thanks again.
Re-programming will overide whatever the existing program, but only to the portion on the engine management. This will means that the new program will be the base line for the engine parameters to run. Piggyback, by definition, will still make use of the existing factory programme and make adjustment to it. For a car w/o adaptation, like the E30 and E36, it will make more sense to have a piggyback than a re-programme since now the fine tuning can be done everytime u do a mod on a piggyback, wheras in Singapore, u can't fine a tuner who runs a dyno tune, then store into a chip and fix it..
The engine management will definitely re adapt if the parameter is outside what the factory setting are.
We have talked about it a couple of time and there is no reason why we should tune the close loop section unless u have done some serious mod to the car. The reason being that the close loop thingee is when the car is cruising and in such mode, u don need power, so the engine management gives the maximum economy. Tuning it just makes it less economical
The engine takes between 2 days to 2 weeks for re-adaptation from short term to long term trimming. The factory management have got like 6 setting that can store driving behavior, from super economy to very aggresive driving mode. That is the reason why there are ppl who will complain that the car takes a while to response when they suddenly do a kick down after they have been driving gently for a while.
Try putting in a CAI into the car and the car straightaway hunt for a while. This is the adaptation taking place, short term one. When moving, the car keeps on storing data and make adjustment based on the new toy u fitted. That is long term.
If u were to decide on re-programme the car later, the piggyback must be retuned again sicne now the factory setting is different.
Anyone who is interested to read up more on this can let me know, i have got the pdf files of how the engine management works for our car. But the file is 2.4MB though..