2004 F1 Events (Round 11)


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Alrighty...Another F1 this w/e..
Any gathering this time?
Racebred said:
what happened to colette???????????????????????????

I think they surf our forum and saw your post, hahaha..

See, people always don't appreciate things/people when they're around. You miss her right?

BTW any news on what happened to Trulli's car that led to the crash? Chris Goodwin said he's been in worse, I wonder how *that* was like.. :shock:
Re Collette..

Racebred said:
what happened to colette???????????????????????????

Well, she was covering the Taiwan's World Pool Championship.
Again, she slipped her tongue... :shoot:
Well, this was a much more interesting race compared to last weeks French GP.

what happened to colette???????????????????????????

heheh, I was thinking the same thing, thought maybe she got replaced. No such luck lah, guess she'll be back with more entertainment in a fortnight!

BTW any news on what happened to Trulli's car that led to the crash? Chris Goodwin said he's been in worse, I wonder how *that* was like..

Suspected rear suspension failure...what a shunt that was! A huge credit to F1's safety standards.

NIce to see Kimi getting 2nd...somewhat bittersweet but at least it's a place on the podium. I just hope the MP4-19B stays reliable thru the season.
Michael fully deserved that win - and I must say it has to be shared with Ross Brawn - he is a master strategist!
Both MS pitstops (with Kimi's car coming from behind) were like De-Ja-Vu
Exactly same situations.....If MS had only 20-21 secs lead over Kimi then it would have been likely that Kimi cud catch up probably neck to neck with MS when he came outta pitstop. He opened as far as 25sec!..hence the reasonably comfortable lead

I enjoyed the race vm.

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