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Pose as direct seller : BMW 528i


Hi all
Apologies for the lengthy post .
As above , bought this Jan 2016, BMW 5281 , before Christmas last year .( Kaki Bukit Area )
After getting a reputable workshop who is a specialist in BWM car. to do a Pre Purchase Inspection , as overall the car is good for this age , only have some misfiring and lack responsive , vibration issue .
PPI report indicated that the mileage of 85k is genuine . it also recommend part to be replace to solve those issue . the ignition coil and spark will solve the misfiring issue ad engine and transmission mounting to address the vibration .etc .. i went ahead to sign the purchase agreement base on the report that the mileage is Genuine .

long story short , i replace the mounting , ignition coil, spark plus, servicing, transmission oil sump change.
mis-firing still the same as before , then wskp recommend that valve assembly to be replace .
i did , after changing the valve assembly . the misfiring issue still the same , and new problem arise.
every morning , and each time i start the vehicle i have burning smell & smoke coming out of the bonnet. ( just imaging at the traffic light , other drivers winding down window to tell me smoke in the car engine )
call the workshop. went down and told me these are remnant of the oil . monitor for a few days . seek some mechanic advise , 2 mech told me the valve assembly leaking . get the workshop who replace to rectify .
more than 10 days after the new valve assembly , the workshop finally agreed to change the valve assembly gasket , I am piss off as i have paid about $1000 just for valve assembly work

coming back to the car , gearbox also started to give problem , run the diagnostic, no fault ,,
finally i went to PML to book for a service as i am very disappoint with the workshop.
book a date and found out that this car still have a package and free servicing .
found out that the last service was done on June 2021 with a mileage of more than 110,000 km then.
i gather that when i bought in Dec 2022, the mileage should be around 150,000km now

spoke to the dealer , he deny anything and blame on the previous owner ,
i told the dealer , this is fraud and i am going to make a police report and let my lawyer to handle this.
give him a dateline and i want back my Lexus ES 250 ( my trade in car )

Last Friday , all paper work done and now driving back my Lexus ,

many painful lesson learned from this episode.

Potential buyer . just careful ,
A lot of unscrupulous dealers will adjust the odometer to match the mileage to the age of car, or lesser. I've never trusted the meter when getting pre-owned.
Worn Valve seals and other oil leaking seems to be a common problem for beemers. The spare parts for valve seals are very cheap, just need tools and expertise. Most of the site sponsors here are well versed in them.
In fact, I was one of the guinea pigs for one of the site sponsor to go purchase the tools for the valve seals fix! And they did a great job!
Mechatronics and oil leak issues seems to be a norm after 5 years, so anyone getting pre-owned beemer just need to set aside 5k for this & that, don't just look at the selling price at face value
Mine started to have oil leak issue at the 6th year. Used the opportunity to sort out other issues as well and cost me a whopping 6k. Mine you, my mileage isn’t high by any standard. Recently my expansion tank indicator also failed and have to change the tank as well…not ex but still a cost.
Usual oil leaks and maintenance required for BMW no matter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 series. Basically buy a bmw do maintenance 1st as most people in SG have little or no clue what needs to be done, basically think drive change oil can liao.
What do u mean by ' pose as direct seller ' ?