How did you choose / get your nickname?

Re: bimmerfly, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hello to everyone. Bimmerfly is my username. Why? I just wish that my bimmer will go as fast as flying. Simple la!

Current E46
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Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

rt are my initials. It was supposed to be rex but that nick was used, so it became rttex :)
Re: kvin08, how did you choose / get your nickname?

how did you choose / get your nickname?
Re: geeknick, how did you choose / get your nickname?

spent too much time on computers and gadgets so became a geek, name is nicholas.
Re: 7, how did you choose / get your nickname?

7;142169 said:
Ryan, very clever post.. even sleepers are awaken :)
I think you should thank me "7". I joined recently and decided to use "cruising" as my login name. At the rate this thread is growing, I think it could be record. Right? Ryan.
Re: 7, how did you choose / get your nickname?

cruising;148425 said:
I think you should thank me "7". I joined recently and decided to use "cruising" as my login name. At the rate this thread is growing, I think it could be record. Right? Ryan.
Haha... Very right ;)
Re: popiyoyo, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hi guy,

popiyoyo is my 2 precious doggy name.

It make it easy to remember and i would not forget abt it. keke:)
Re: missypolkadot, how did you choose / get your nickname?

just ultra in love with polka dots, so my user is mostly missypolkadot! cheers~ :juggle:
Re: Mirage77, how did you choose / get your nickname?

It's the name of the plane I used to love a lot in Primary school; stuck to it ever since. And 77? Random number. :yummie:
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

It is a BMW!

and the plates is 8338!

Anyone interested to buy this nos plate?
Re: 3ci, how did you choose / get your nickname?

ryan;136859 said:
Hey guys,

As the title did you choose or get your nickname?

Mine is just my name, so i don't really count. How about yours?

Drive 3 Series, then Coupe = CI " 3CI " easy remember ...:nehnehhh:
how did you choose / get your nickname?

thats wat a female colleague screamed/shrieked at me, one late friday nite about 15yrs ago, as I was gunning the car thru a sharp bend under the influence of.....not proud of it n that was many years ago.....but the name has stuck till this day
Re: lea69, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hi guys! How are you all? I live in Melbourne though I grew up in Singapore for 16yrs in the East. I got my nickname LEA 69 from (Lea is my name) and 69 is sort of a 'ying yang' symbol. Hope to share some photos of my E90 320i BMW soon!
Re: dr_alban, how did you choose / get your nickname?

hi hi....Dr_Alban used to be a dentist turned singer...I'm using this nick as well in delphiforums....
Re: 33lop, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Got the number "33" after one of my NBA fav, Larry Bird. "lop" is just my name Paul spelled backwards in a lazy manner. :)

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