Garage flooring options - Epoxy or Racedeck


Active Member
Hi there

I'm looking for some advice from people who've finished their garage floors.
Currently, I've narrowed down the field to Epoxy covering and/or Racedeck.
The Epoxy job will be done by professionals and has a 10yr warranty,
the bid costs a bit more than Racedeck. My question regarding epoxy flooring boston is done it pop when you walk on it if the concrete floor isn't perfectly flat...or over concrete expansion joints...?
The pictures of Racedeck look OK - although some pics have that cheap reflective plastic sheen revealing all the tiles.
I know they now make a larger tile that might work better to reduce tile patterns.
Another question for the Racedeck owners -
If you spill something on the tiles does the liquid seep between the tiles...?
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Hi there

I'm looking for some advice from people who've finished their garage floors.
Currently, I've narrowed down the field to Epoxy covering and/or Racedeck.
The Epoxy job will be done by professionals and has a 10yr warranty,
the bid costs a bit more than Racedeck. My question regarding Racedeck is does it pop when you walk on it if the concrete floor isn't perfectly flat...or over concrete expansion joints...?
The pictures of Racedeck look OK - although some pics have that cheap reflective plastic sheen revealing all the tiles.
I know they now make a larger tile that might work better to reduce tile patterns.
Another question for the Racedeck owners epoxy flake flooring cincinnati-
If you spill something on the tiles does the liquid seep between the tiles...?
thanka for any help epoxy flooring toronto
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