Changing of tyre size


Well-Known Member

I am currently on 225/40/18 tyres. Will changing to 235/40/18 make the car more sluggish? If so, is the difference a lot? Thanks.
Re: Changing of tyre size

235 with bigger base will definitely incur more pickup loss....

but it will looks nicer

thank u
Re: Changing of tyre size

I tend to agee that response will probably be worse off, if any changes.
On a different me, your current rim/tyre size looks already larger than stock. Will that be for 3 or 5 series ? Think it is already big enough for 5, may ba a little over for 3. Personally, bigger does not equate better looking, there is always an optimal size. Why not just keep the size?
Re: Changing of tyre size

eric3417 said:
Would 235/50/18 look weird on a E46?

There isn't such spec for E46.
The thickest profile on E46 is on stock M3 where the front is 225/45/18 and rear 255/40/18 hence only a few brands available.
Re: Changing of tyre size

TripleM said:
There isn't such spec for E46.
The thickest profile on E46 is on stock M3 where the front is 225/45/18 and rear 255/40/18 hence only a few brands available.

Go with the 245s on 18s... thats more doable...
Re: Changing of tyre size

xuexun said:
Some E46 M3 here run 275s and it looks great~

The 275s are for the rear and look great coz the M3 body is different from a normal coupe's body. It is wider.
Re: Changing of tyre size

There should be little or no change to the sluggishness as there is little change in the unsprung weight (assuming you don't change the rims).

Only difference is the overall rolling daimeter. (Im not too sure of the actual one for E46) But the difference in the diameter translates into your speedometer either over or under reading.

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