Z4 E89 passenger airbag


Well-Known Member
Guys, I was searching on the net for baby seats in E89 and passenager airbag deactivation and happen to stumble upon some angmor forum that mentions E89 has automatic activation/deactivation of passenger side airbag via weight sensor under the seat

I dont see that mentioned anywhere in the menu... is it angmor BSing?

and since I we are on topic, anyone has baby seats installed in their front seats before?
Re: Z4 E89 passenger airbag

I can't remember but maybe there's an airbag deactivation switch at the side of the dashboard. You need to open your door to see it.
Re: Z4 E89 passenger airbag

just an update for anyone whom might have interest to know...went for servicing yday @PML, spoke to a mechanic (barring no BS), claims indeed Z4's passenger side airbags are weight sensor triggered.
Should there be no passenger during an accident, airbag on that side would not be activated.

There is also no manual airbag deactivation button on the Z4 for days when you wanna have the child seat in your ride ferrying your little one
Re: Z4 E89 passenger airbag

Enjoy the little one next to you in your Z4 ..... All my daughters took turns riding with me with the roof down especially when they can't sleep at night. They literally grew up with Remus and Gruppe M.

And yes......the air bag is deactivated by a sensor.

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