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WTT/B- Black window trimming for E46 Coupe


Well-Known Member
Hi, am looking to buy a set of black window trimmings for E46 coupe - or willing to trade my current chrome trimmings for black. Does anyone have one, please PM me thanks. (think most 318Ci would have black on their cars - let me know if you want to change to chrome)

Re: WTT/B- Black window trimming for E46 Coupe

Would advise any 318Ci's to do the swap...
Re: WTT/B- Black window trimming for E46 Coupe

Rick1818 said:
u r having the PFL or Facelifted....?

Pre-face lift coupe (Aug 2002). Is there any difference between PFL and Facelifted for the window trimmings? Cheers!
Re: WTT/B- Black window trimming for E46 Coupe

Bump bump! Still looking. Any 318Ci owners who want a chrome trim, please let me know. Thanks
Re: WTT/B- Black window trimming for E46 Coupe

1.) Cheap Alternative is to get someone to tape it up in black tape (like Army days) I think there's someone here who did it on his car and it looks really neat

2.) Purchase a new set

3.) Keep on hunting for 318Ci owners or Sports Edition coupe owners who are selling or exporting their rides
Re: WTT/B- Black window trimming for E46 Coupe

Thanks! Considered all three options. Buying a new set is probably too expensive so was hoping to do a trade :)
Re: WTT/B- Black window trimming for E46 Coupe

__iceman__ said:
Simple sanding and spray job will do?

Eh.....not simple actually......pretty laborious in fact.

Prime - Sand - Prime - Sand - Prime - Sand..........................................

Until swee swee smooth smooth then spray - dry - spray - dry - spray - then clear coat.......

Re: WTT/B- Black window trimming for E46 Coupe

I did a DIY for my E30 coupe before. I used sandpaper and commercially available 'satin black' color spray paint. Not bad leh, no problems at all. It was in the UK, and the car went thru numerous summer rain and winter snow washes. But that was for a old car, I didn't have much to lose if I screwed it up...
Re: WTT/B- Black window trimming for E46 Coupe

golfer said:
Thanks! Considered all three options. Buying a new set is probably too expensive so was hoping to do a trade :)
can consider taping it if u don't get any response. call eric @ 9274 0929, workmanship quite alright. can see mine if u like too.
Re: WTT/B- Black window trimming for E46 Coupe

AC Boy said:
can consider taping it if u don't get any response. call eric @ 9274 0929, workmanship quite alright. can see mine if u like too.

AC Boy,

How muchie for the taping? Can PM me if you prefer...
Re: WTT/B- Black window trimming for E46 Coupe

gp said:
AC Boy,

How muchie for the taping? Can PM me if you prefer...
jus did it..........gp

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