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WTS : Hamann HM2 19" for 2.5k "SOLD"

AC Boy

Well-Known Member
Re: WTS : Hamann HM2 19"

tbt said:
hi all,

i am letting go my HM2 Original 19" rims offset ET38, with tyres Bridgestone potenza G-3 235/35/19, tyres still left with 60-70% usage.

the condition of rims is almost 9.5/10, you got see it yourself pic attached.

fits all E46, i am on sport susp so far no rubbing, after using them for 1 yr.

why am i selling ? cos i kena the track bug. :screwedu:

i have not track on this set of rims before, only street use.

i am look for SGD $ 3000. pls PM me your offer.




my ride

Bin Tiong, :wtf: ? Swee swee you know, how could u :( Anyhow I'll check with my neighbour & see if hes interested.

i am sad to sell them also :( , 19" to go tracking a bit heavy duty on the $$$.

thanks anyway for checking around.

Bro, si bei sayang lei :( ..Ever thot of keeping 2 sets? One for tracking(second hand) and one for street use?
SL2 said:
Bro, si bei sayang lei :( ..Ever thot of keeping 2 sets? One for tracking(second hand) and one for street use?

yes, if i can't sell the 19" off, i may as well get another set. :screwedu:

seems like 19" demand not there leh, didn't get any offer via my PM ? :(

come on guys give me your offer if it is reasonable enf, i may just let it go.

tbt said:
yes, if i can't sell the 19" off, i may as well get another set. :screwedu:

seems like 19" demand not there leh, didn't get any offer via my PM ? :(

come on guys give me your offer if it is reasonable enf, i may just let it go.


Anyone want 18" HM2 with P-Dragon 225/40/18 ???
Bro, if I can sell my 18". I buy from u the 19" !!! hahahaaa..

Imagine a 318iA with 19" !!! :dance:
calvin said:
tbt said:
yes, if i can't sell the 19" off, i may as well get another set. :screwedu:

seems like 19" demand not there leh, didn't get any offer via my PM ? :(

come on guys give me your offer if it is reasonable enf, i may just let it go.


Anyone want 18" HM2 with P-Dragon 225/40/18 ???
Bro, if I can sell my 18". I buy from u the 19" !!! hahahaaa..

Imagine a 318iA with 19" !!! :dance:
Then ur car cannot move...
try rebadging to 333..swee swee.. :laughlik:
MW said:
try rebadging to 333..swee swee.. :laughlik:
if not enough '3', try snooking Ken for another one...
tbt said:
SL2 said:
Bro, si bei sayang lei :( ..Ever thot of keeping 2 sets? One for tracking(second hand) and one for street use?

yes, if i can't sell the 19" off, i may as well get another set. :screwedu:

seems like 19" demand not there leh, didn't get any offer via my PM ? :(

come on guys give me your offer if it is reasonable enf, i may just let it go.

Bin tiong, checked with my neighbour over the wkend, will not consider coz hes a 318. Worse scenario, can consider putting in shop for consignment sales, just a thought.
MW wrote:
try rebadging to 333..swee swee..
if not enough '3', try snooking Ken for another one...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
consignment sales to the tire shop may consider. the price will be lower,
i would like let ppl in the forum to hv the 1st take. failing which i will lower
the price some more before let the tire shop to sell for me.

MW said:
calvin said:
tbt said:
yes, if i can't sell the 19" off, i may as well get another set. :screwedu:

seems like 19" demand not there leh, didn't get any offer via my PM ? :(

come on guys give me your offer if it is reasonable enf, i may just let it go.


Anyone want 18" HM2 with P-Dragon 225/40/18 ???
Bro, if I can sell my 18". I buy from u the 19" !!! hahahaaa..

Imagine a 318iA with 19" !!! :dance:
Then ur car cannot move...

more like his car cannot not stop in time than cannot move,

don't look down on a 318, the car don't really lost out to 320 by a big margin.

calvin said:
tbt said:
yes, if i can't sell the 19" off, i may as well get another set. :screwedu:

seems like 19" demand not there leh, didn't get any offer via my PM ? :(

come on guys give me your offer if it is reasonable enf, i may just let it go.


Anyone want 18" HM2 with P-Dragon 225/40/18 ???
Bro, if I can sell my 18". I buy from u the 19" !!! hahahaaa..

Imagine a 318iA with 19" !!! :dance:

if you intrested i will sell you brother price. maybe the demand for 18" could be better than 19". :dance:
AC Boy,
if not enough '3', try snooking Ken for another one...

Dun think he have another '3' lor..keke.. :silenced:

Cal, think you can get another '1' or '8' from him only..Wahaha! Then can rebadge to 388..woohoo!! :twisted:
"7" i have..ai mai? Turn the "7" ard and u will hv "L"..
Ever seen 3 series Long wheel base..
tbt said:
if you intrested i will sell you brother price. maybe the demand for 18" could be better than 19". :dance:

my thinking... u keep the 19" for use in Sin. When gog KL, then change to 17" for comfort n road condition up there. swee swee... else if i can get rid my 18", i ofcoz will go for 19" !!! :laughlik:
SL2 said:
Dun think he have another '3' lor..keke.. :silenced:

Cal, think you can get another '1' or '8' from him only..Wahaha! Then can rebadge to 388..woohoo!! :twisted:

388 abit out of world ler... like numbering in Rodney's gay joint. dun wan :silenced: :lol:

Hymics said:
"7" i have..ai mai? Turn the "7" ard and u will hv "L"..
Ever seen 3 series Long wheel base..

then i will be the first 718iA BMW ever made ! :lol:

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