WTS: GruppeM filter Ram charger for E46 6 cylinder


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

Selling the above mentioned item on my friend's behalf.
It fits all 320i, 323i, 325i, 328i.

Price : $500

Interested parties, pls contact me at 97647735.

Re: WTS: GruppeM filter Ram charger for E46 6 cylinder

Yup Thanks! thats what i tot so. Thanks for the correction.

rex7_vtec said:
Think you might have to check it out if it fits 330. Coz the intake diameter is bigger... If it fits the 330 then it definitely will not fit the 320/325 series.....

Re: WTS: GruppeM filter Ram charger for E46 6 cylinder

Hi Guys,

Thanks man! Back in Singapore, let's try to set it up in my car this weekend ! Wahlau Gruppe M, like a dream come true ...
