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Wts : 330ci Cabro (mar 2002)


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody, i would like to give up my ride as below! It is ONE owner perfect cond. car wif orig. piantwork (violet), 17" standard sportrims! Titanium interior trim wif full black leather! Price neg.
Interested party pls call dennis at 92728687 thks!

Vehicle Details
Vehicle No.: New number
Vehicle to be Exported: Yes
Intended De-registration Date: 15 Apr 2006
Vehicle Make: B.M.W.
Vehicle Model: 330CIACABRIO
Engine No.: 25019913306S3
Chassis No.: WBABS52040EH95487
Open Market Value: $56,808.00
Original Registration Date: 04 Mar 2002
First Registration Date: 04 Mar 2002
Intended PARF Rebate Details
PARF Eligibility: Yes
PARF Eligibility Expiry Date: 03 Mar 2012
PARF Rebate Amount: $73,850.00
Intended COE Rebate Details
COE Expiry Date: 03 Mar 2012
COE Category: B - Car (1601cc & above)
COE Period(Years): 10
QP Paid: $30,660.00
COE Rebate Amount: $18,033.00 :yikess:
Re: Wts : 330ci Cabro (mar 2002)

Vehicle Model: 330CIACABRIO

Hi there Dennis, your car is a coupe right?
Re: Wts : 330ci Cabro (mar 2002)

No lah I think Dennis is just alittle confused unless he owns both a Coupe and Cab.
Dennis your color is Orient Blue right?
Re: Wts : 330ci Cabro (mar 2002)

no la dey, his car def not orient blue. it's a lighter shade of blue.
Re: Wts : 330ci Cabro (mar 2002)

i thought it was topaz blue??? looked like it....
Re: Wts : 330ci Cabro (mar 2002)

Hi there! I m juz helping my friend to do an upgrade.

Stop guessing mine s mystic blue coupe:nehnehhh:

Pls let me noe if any of u need to do up his/her hair!

(tourmaline violet convertible on de loose) mileage only 45k!!
Re: Wts : 330ci Cabro (mar 2002)

:confused: so is it a coupe or a cabrio - they're not the same :)

Sorry mate just curious... maybe you can switch this to the Buying Or Selling Your BMW folder to reach potential buyers. Good luck for your sale!

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