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WTB: Used old generation Merc A class.


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Interested in getting a used baby merc A class. Prefer more than 4 years old. Seems a bit hard to find leh. Anyone got link? Thanks in advance.
Re: WTB: Used old generation Merc A class.

Hi Des,
will let you know how to have good buy next monday if you're around. as i'm leaving for Indo 2moro. Anyway my addict is grtting strong now.
Re: WTB: Used old generation Merc A class.

BlackStealth said:
Interested in getting a used baby merc A class. Prefer more than 4 years old. Seems a bit hard to find leh. Anyone got link? Thanks in advance.

Des, u sure u wanna this ride ah? U betta be prepared to lup something inside. Sibeh CMI car.
Re: WTB: Used old generation Merc A class.

BlackStealth said:
Interested in getting a used baby merc A class. Prefer more than 4 years old. Seems a bit hard to find leh. Anyone got link? Thanks in advance.

NICE CAR dude... hope u get a deal on it!... good luck
Re: WTB: Used old generation Merc A class.

After all the horror stories on this car, I am having second thoughts. :( Anyway, will still keep options open. Thanks guys
Re: WTB: Used old generation Merc A class.

Hi Blackstealth.

I'm letting go my Feb 2001 Merc A190 SWB (powerful!) with Avantgarde trim. I need a bigger car. The colour is Polar Silver. Full FACTORY options that include 16" 5 spoke rims, lowered sports suspension, AMG front bumper with fog lights, side skirts, big chrome tailpipe... It is totally stock with ZERO mods, but looks like it is modded. The ride is quite harsh due to the sports suspension (again, I stress FACTORY fitted)

Car has been serviced at C&C from new. Just did a big service there ($1k) and car drives beautifully as I baby it. I can tell you that the horror stories are largely unfounded. For every one horror story, there are 10 nice stories that you never hear. It IS a reliable car.

Bought Mercedes Star Care servicing package and still left 1 year FREE servicing. I say free cos I just did a big services which I paid for already. The small services have already been prepaid.

Car dealers are offering $50k to export. Paper value alone is $42k.

The pictures you see from the following link is identical to my car EXCEPT

1) my car is polar silver (looks like titanium but under the sun at certain angles, it has a purplish hue)

2) my car is slightly lower

3) my car has full leather seats from the factory

4) my car has no sun roof

5) I have nicer fog lights

BTW, all bulbs are Diamond Vision.

LINK: http://www.carsales.com.au/pls/carsales/!csc_vehicle_photos.carsales_private_photo?selected_pid=763722&pid=763722&pid=763723&pid=763724&pid=763725

Call/SMS me at 9009 2897 if you're interested to view it. Otherwise, it's off to New Zealand...

Thanks for reading!

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