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WTB: Number plate 27


Well-Known Member
I am looking for the number 27. Anyone selling, pls PM me with reasonable offer with full number plate prefix and suffix. Thks
Re: WTB: Number plate 27

for your m6 uncle ED? have they told u the date of arrival?
Re: WTB: Reg'n Number 27

What else? Don't call me uncle leh, sound so old.

Car is already in SIN. Undergoing prep right now. Should be sent for homologation next week and I'll probably get to drive it 1st/2nd week Dec.
Re: WTB: Number plate 27

27 seems to be very popular leh

jinna007 also have 27 on a 645Ci
Re: WTB: Number plate 27

Anyone knows the magic figure to bid? Tried my luck with SGB27E but failed. When I went to collect the return, I saw there were two other failed bids for the same number.
Re: WTB: Number plate 27

There is no magic figure when come to bidding for number. Since it will be your 2nd attempt and that 27 is popular and in demand, suggest you bid the maximum amount you are willing to pay

If I'm bidding, probably will try $2,700
Re: WTB: Number plate 27

No magic. Sometimes good numbers nobody bid (becoz people think they will be outbidded, so refrained from bidding), not so great numbers ended up with the competition. Here is a gauge from what frens successfully paid for their plates:

67 - $2100, 83 - $1800, 39 - $2400, 123 - $1300, 81 - $2,000. So my personal view is that above $2k, chance quite good.
Re: WTB: Number plate 27

Thanks guys for your input. Last time I tried 2200. Maybe next time I'll go 1 K above.
Re: WTB: Number plate 27

WOW , 18 for 1.8K is quite a good catch, but is it sfx onwards ? Newae Mi looking at number 22 and 33 . Just wondering how much will it cost
Re: WTB: Number plate 27

StevanT said:
WOW , 18 for 1.8K is quite a good catch, but is it sfx onwards ? Newae Mi looking at number 22 and 33 . Just wondering how much will it cost

you can try with a base of $3k or so, my understanding is double digit same no normally is "hotter" and hence cost more. In the resale mkt, 33 easily cost 5 digit or near to it,but bear in mind that some are old plate.33 shd cost more than 22,quite obvious

for double digit not of the same no,the fair "valuation" shd be in the region of $2k to max $4k. I do heard of one case of bidding 4 digit no and pay $5k plus,imho, is overvalued liao.

hope it help
Re: WTB: Number plate 27

one-two said:
anyone knows what's the price for no 10 ?

long long time ago, my dad paid around 20k for SBJ 10 U, dunno if market has changed since...
Re: WTB: Number plate 27

mine was 1.8k for 18 at 2nd try. its before sfx actually ... plate is from last year oct. could be plain old dumb luck .. never know
Re: WTB: Number plate 27

Like that maybe SGD I throw in several bids for single digit number. Maybe can get lucky and drive away with a nice one.