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WTB - MTEC Front Bumper


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Asking on behalf of a colleague, please PM me. Cheers.
Re: WTB - MTEC Front Bumper

Hey, for what kind of ride? Coupe or sedan?
Don't have one for sale though
Re: WTB - MTEC Front Bumper


It's for a 2004 320 Sedan. What are we looking at for the entire M-kit? I am not sure if he wants OEM or replica. Any ballpark figure?
Re: WTB - MTEC Front Bumper

Thanks, Barry. Have forwarded the quotes to him. Actually dun think his is 2004 model although he insisted so. Anyhow, saw your ride in Hotstuff. Congratulations !!!

Any quotes from replica manufacturers?
Re: WTB - MTEC Front Bumper

Hehe, was nothing fantastic lah... Just a simple comparison between E36 and E46s....

Anyway as for the replicas, I've never really been into much research for the Mtec kits. However a good estimate would be around the 2k region, which thus in my opinion says, just go OEM...

Think there's a bodykit guy in the forum by the nick YourMan72, he may have some prices for ya worth considering :)
Re: WTB - MTEC Front Bumper

My bodykit guy @ JB quoted me before...

For replica - SGP1K for full kit + installation

Painting do in singapore.
Re: WTB - MTEC Front Bumper

Hi Kenneth,

Got a quote from Mike recently..

A little late, but hope it helps nevertheless. The MTecII Front Bumper alone costs $1.9K... the complete set is around $2.7K (an additional $800 more)
Re: WTB - MTEC Front Bumper

Where to get it if I am interested in the MTEC 2 kit?



Re: WTB - MTEC Front Bumper

excellent... where can i can my hands on them.
Re: WTB - MTEC Front Bumper

hi, i have a friend thats selling his original Mtech2.

asking price is rm5K.

good cond!

front, rear and side skirts!

PM me if you want his number!
Re: WTB - MTEC Front Bumper

Bro ur car sould already ah? Been tring to find the front air "damn" is damn hard to find le....help me check check can...tks
Re: WTB - MTEC Front Bumper

Nick, you are right. Hard to come by. Lemme check with some PFL brothers. Many are exporting their rides......

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