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WTB Eisenmann Exhaust z4 ,E85


Well-Known Member
Looking to get an eisenmann RACE exhaust for E85 , Z4 roadster.
in reasonably good condition e.g. no dings/dents.
PM me :goodup:
Re: WTB Eisenmann Exhaust z4 ,E85


another one that may be of interest to u
Re: WTB Eisenmann Exhaust z4 ,E85

thanks for looking out leonardlp bro!
Re: WTB Eisenmann Exhaust z4 ,E85

no prob. i was looking for myself but only have stuff for e85

i got a e89 so in the end had to buy brand new

eisenmann quad race specs

super loud

cant even hear my cd player anymore

would love to see your ride too
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Re: WTB Eisenmann Exhaust z4 ,E85

e89's nicee.
race specs are nice to hear with the top down but drones alot :(

same here, would love to check out your ride

bummmmps, still looking for race , vroom vroom!
Re: WTB Eisenmann Exhaust z4 ,E85

bummps still look for a nice exhaust for my z4!
Rpi those kind also can, looking for a racey tone and light weight exhaust!
Re: WTB Eisenmann Exhaust z4 ,E85

leonardlp;755945 said:
you need come bkk to see n test

was about to ask u where u do ur e89.. until u reply BKK!!!!! lol...
Re: WTB Eisenmann Exhaust z4 ,E85

haha BKK is farrrrr from where i live ;(
Re: WTB Eisenmann Exhaust z4 ,E85

wat to do? cant afford tis in sgp

here is px of camry in sgp n no coe!
Re: WTB Eisenmann Exhaust z4 ,E85

Opps. Sorry for that!
But for anyone looking to swap his original exo w my eisenmann please contact me. It's a little too loud for me.
Just PM or text me nine seven 83 seven four five 2

Thank you!
Re: WTB Eisenmann Exhaust z4 ,E85

i was sold a 2010 z4 in jul 2012 with an eisenmann exhaust (unknown to me that this was a mod and as the sta inspection prior to purchase said there was no issue with it noise/emission) didnt foresee any problem. Car just failed its LTA test basis this being an unlicensed /unregistered exhaust. Seems no issues with noise/emissions, just the dealer did not ensure if car had an exhaust authorised for use on Singapore's roads),nor did i know it was going to be an issue tbh...wondering who's gonna have to put their hand up for fitting the exhaust without permission , cos it certainly wasnt me...

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