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WTB: E90 Floor mat


Well-Known Member

Urgent! Looking for a set of new black colored floor mats, driver plus passenger for my E90 3series. PM me with your price. Will look to pick up over the weekends.

WTB: E90 Floor mat

I only lend mine to ladies...

But cheez you might want to contact our forumer Ah Yang. He helped a few of us get mats as part of a group purchase.
Re: WTB: E90 Floor mat

seanskye;1078768 said:
I only lend mine to ladies...

But cheez you might want to contact our forumer Ah Yang. He helped a few of us get mats as part of a group purchase.

thats why I never borrow from you but use rice grain paper to put. hehe
Re: WTB: E90 Floor mat

Ah yang;1078786 said:
I heard someone calling 4 me????????

Ah Yang, first thing in the morning after you wake up, check forum to see anythng for you. haha.. i plan for you.. 5.30am wake up liao, wash up then chk forum at 5.40am till 5.50am then leave home. haha
Re: WTB: E90 Floor mat

lol.. Sean eat forum, sleep forum, drink forum.. plus make good money so got lots of time.. wahaha

Oops better keep quiet before he sees my posting.

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