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Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Sucks to hear ur blue roundel badge was stolen..
Well, guess that gives u excuse to "Mod"....kekeke
Call Kenn, he may have the original ones with him but it ain't come cheap thou...think cost like 2 jugs of beer at Bala something like that.. :ehhh:
TripleM said:
Call Kenn, he may have the original ones with him but it ain't come cheap thou...think cost like 2 jugs of beer at Bala something like that..

Pai seh. Spare set has been given to one fellow brother here. Try getting one set when you are in Bangkok. R-Style.

You're saving yourself from 1 bottle of Hennessy anyways.
or u can save money by drawing the roundel...
kenntona said:
TripleM said:
Call Kenn, he may have the original ones with him but it ain't come cheap thou...think cost like 2 jugs of beer at Bala something like that..

Pai seh. Spare set has been given to one fellow brother here. Try getting one set when you are in Bangkok. R-Style.

You're saving yourself from 1 bottle of Hennessy anyways.

Hi dude,

I just got mind from R-style, I mention BMW SG and instancely don't charge me for using my credit card.

they actually have two types going at 500 Baht each about 20 bucks.

type 1 using real Carbon firber but the finishing uses a rubber like coating, I heard it will crstallize if park under the sun for too long. close up you can see carbon fiber on the edges, looks more real.

type 2 using a carbon look print and solid quality like original. but look fake during close ups.

the badges don't 100% sits in. as they are not as curved as the stocks ones.

otto said:
Hi dude,

I just got mind from R-style, I mention BMW SG and instancely don't charge me for using my credit card.

they actually have two types going at 500 Baht each about 20 bucks.

type 1 using real Carbon firber but the finishing uses a rubber like coating, I heard it will crstallize if park under the sun for too long. close up you can see carbon fiber on the edges, looks more real.

type 2 using a carbon look print and solid quality like original. but look fake during close ups.

the badges don't 100% sits in. as they are not as curved as the stocks ones.


That's strange cuz I got my set from R-Style as well and I was chatting with Su and she mentioned that they just add the CF layer on top of the original roundel and laminate that in. I took it with a pinch of salt cuz i was kinda skeptical but when i removed my original roundel, the back stamp, with serial numbers and stuff, are exactly like the CF one from R-Style! Thus the roundels sit in perfectly :thinking:

If u decide against getting the CF roundels from R-Style, another idea is to order from bimmian.com where they use stickers. They send u a set of stickers which u overlay them over your original roundels.

Cheers and good luck! :wavey:
Azrielsc said:
otto said:
Hi dude,

I just got mind from R-style, I mention BMW SG and instancely don't charge me for using my credit card.

they actually have two types going at 500 Baht each about 20 bucks.

type 1 using real Carbon firber but the finishing uses a rubber like coating, I heard it will crstallize if park under the sun for too long. close up you can see carbon fiber on the edges, looks more real.

type 2 using a carbon look print and solid quality like original. but look fake during close ups.

the badges don't 100% sits in. as they are not as curved as the stocks ones.


That's strange cuz I got my set from R-Style as well and I was chatting with Su and she mentioned that they just add the CF layer on top of the original roundel and laminate that in. I took it with a pinch of salt cuz i was kinda skeptical but when i removed my original roundel, the back stamp, with serial numbers and stuff, are exactly like the CF one from R-Style! Thus the roundels sit in perfectly :thinking:

If u decide against getting the CF roundels from R-Style, another idea is to order from bimmian.com where they use stickers. They send u a set of stickers which u overlay them over your original roundels.

Cheers and good luck! :wavey:


Mine did not sit well, wobbles to the touch. but not giving any problem lo.

in any case can always put back original stuffs lar.

BTW, I saw R-style selling a funny looking antenna not really like shark but like a smalle version of fin. going to 1000 baht about 40 bucks?

Any bros here brought the chiong AC rear roof spolier? does it fit alright?
selling 3500 Baht, about 150 SGD, not sure if it is expensive a not.
Do we need to spray this part?

Azrielsc said:
That's strange cuz I got my set from R-Style as well and I was chatting with Su and she mentioned that they just add the CF layer on top of the original roundel and laminate that in. I took it with a pinch of salt cuz i was kinda skeptical but when i removed my original roundel, the back stamp, with serial numbers and stuff, are exactly like the CF one from R-Style! Thus the roundels sit in perfectly :thinking:

Cheers and good luck! :wavey:

Same here, the ones I got from R-Style fitted perfectly and I feel the quality is good :thumbsup:
otto said:

Mine did not sit well, wobbles to the touch. but not giving any problem lo.

in any case can always put back original stuffs lar.

BTW, I saw R-style selling a funny looking antenna not really like shark but like a smalle version of fin. going to 1000 baht about 40 bucks?

Any bros here brought the chiong AC rear roof spolier? does it fit alright?
selling 3500 Baht, about 150 SGD, not sure if it is expensive a not.
Do we need to spray this part?


Just an idea, if yours wobbles, remove it, take masking tape and tape around the fastening pins a couple of times, making them thicker. Then fix it on, won't wobble and it'll be fastened really hard!

We had a group buy on the ACS roof spoiler a couple of weeks back. U can PM shedden for another one! Think its cheaper from Shedden and if its not up to mark, can always whack Shedden with it! :nutkick: :thumbsup:

I bought the roof spoiler from Shedden, its now in the workshop getting primed and painted. (Forgot about it till Alvin reminded me :oops: )

As for your last question, yes, u have to spray it!

Paging for Shedden...

Pleae PM me for a order.


otto said:
Paging for Shedden...

Pleae PM me for a order.




Shedden is based in Msia. U may be able to get to him faster via-email [email protected] :wavey:
Thks to all u brothers fr yr inputs & useful tips..
..meanwhile my ride somehow feels naked without her badge...
Anyone makin a trip to BKK by any chance?
Next meetup perhaps..? Heh...


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