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WTB : Bmw CF Emblems


Well-Known Member
Would like to purchase BMW CF Emblem for PFL E46 Coupe.... Some irritating person go n remove my Emblem when i was having dinner at Toa Payoh when i parked at a HDB Multi-Storey Carpark.... Damn bo liao... Make it so troublesome for me... Looks frigging ugly without the Emblem on the bonnet now... TIA guys....
Re: WTB : Bmw CF Emblems

freakin sick bastard...
Re: WTB : Bmw CF Emblems

If he didn't Dent your car while doing it be thankful,

Some #$@ stole my spoiler and dented my boot, cost = respray + new bootlid.

This happen in Suntec also @#!@#
Re: WTB : Bmw CF Emblems

get from ebay...i got it from a taiwan seller...2 emblems + ACS front and back for ard 50 sing.
Re: WTB : Bmw CF Emblems

seems like quite a number of ppl here got their car's emblems stolen.... i think too many ppl nth better to do but go ard stealing ppl's emblems.....
Re: WTB : Bmw CF Emblems

i got a brand new CF set. got time come and collect from me free. tomorrow monday afternoon i meeting dvanos at leng kee stuttgart. wanna come along?
Re: WTB : Bmw CF Emblems

Racebred said:
i got a brand new CF set. got time come and collect from me free. tomorrow monday afternoon i meeting dvanos at leng kee stuttgart. wanna come along?

wah RB, i no money to buy dun even dare to step in leh.....
Re: WTB : Bmw CF Emblems

Racebred said:
i got a brand new CF set. got time come and collect from me free. tomorrow monday afternoon i meeting dvanos at leng kee stuttgart. wanna come along?

i keep u informed if i can join u guys there....

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