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WTB: 330i brakes (used)


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Just got the news from the mechanic that all 4 of my brake discs and pads going " mati " in like 2 mths time. :(

Think now's the best time to upgrade them. Any of you 330 guys upgrading at the same? Can sell me your standard brakes? (But must be still in usable condition lah k? :) )

Please feel free to PM or SMS me. Thanks. My time is coming. Left 2 more mths!!! Help!!!

Re: WTB: 330i brakes (used)

Got A Pair Of 330 Brakes Rotors Tat Only Used For 6mths.took It Out When I Upgraded...98329373
Re: WTB: 330i brakes (used)

Hi rex,

I'm actually looking for 2nd hand ones, as on a tight budget. You have 2nd hand after market ones? with the calipers too?
Re: WTB: 330i brakes (used)

Hey guys,

Managed to get a set of 330 front and rear rotors and a set of 330 front calipers. :cloud9: :dance:

Many thanks to the seller for the easy transaction.:thumbsup:

I'm now in need for a set of 2nd hand 330 rear calipers and carriers. :helpp!:

Anyone selling?

Please PM or SMS me at 91903907 if you are selling or know of anyone selling. Thanks a million in advance.
Re: WTB: 330i brakes (used)

u may want to know that while the front will fit pretty easily with the 330 caliper and carrier, the rear takes more than just the caliper and carrier to fit.

u whole handbrake assembly together with the dust cover will have to be replaced as well.
Re: WTB: 330i brakes (used)

oh is it? I spoke to Ah Wee at BVO and he told me i'm short of the rear calipers and the carriers.

hmmm.... better check with him again. Thanks piggyboyz!!!
Re: WTB: 330i brakes (used)

There is no conflicting info. The way BVO does it is not the same as how J4C (which did for Piggy) does it. The former does not involve the handbrake assembly but require some other mods to your rotors. Ah Wee is not missing out anything he should tell you, don't worry.
Re: WTB: 330i brakes (used)

Thanks DreamDriver!!!

He told me say he has modded the rotors already. Now waiting for my rear calipers and carriers to start the conversion.

Hee hee...so bump bump...Any 330i bros out there upgrading their rears to BBK?
Re: WTB: 330i brakes (used)

Hi All,

Something to checkout with you guys.

Can anyone advice on whether US spec'ed 330i rear calipers and carriers are the same as the ones found in our local 330i rides?

Thanks in advance.
Re: WTB: 330i brakes (used)

Gonzo said:
Hi All,

Something to checkout with you guys.

Can anyone advice on whether US spec'ed 330i rear calipers and carriers are the same as the ones found in our local 330i rides?

Thanks in advance.

Yes! Same!

'The Great White'
Re: WTB: 330i brakes (used)

Hey thanks wilson!!!

Now waiting for the guy in States to reply on my offer.

If it falls thru then goota look else where again?

It's Christmas time!!! Any of the 330 guys getting rear BBKs for your rides? I buy over your old ones lah.... :lol
Re: WTB: 330i brakes (used)

Gonzo said:
Hey thanks wilson!!!

Now waiting for the guy in States to reply on my offer.

If it falls thru then goota look else where again?

It's Christmas time!!! Any of the 330 guys getting rear BBKs for your rides? I buy over your old ones lah.... :lol

Rear BBKs??? They haven't even buy the front, how to buy rear???


'The Great White'
Re: WTB: 330i brakes (used)

Doin rear conversion is alot more labour n parts intensive. I m goin thru it now as we speak....but all do-able. Front is super easy, half day job can get it done.
Re: WTB: 330i brakes (used)

Saw your Z4 there last sat undergoing the conversion. A really mean ride you have there.

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