Woman dies in early morning crash at Hillview Avenue

Re: Woman dies in early morning crash at Hillview Avenue

arsehole driver
Woman dies in early morning crash at Hillview Avenue

The road also bore deep tyre marks that were headed in the direction of the tree.

Driver fell asleep, veered towards the tree, passengers woke him up and then he tried to jam brake?
Re: Woman dies in early morning crash at Hillview Avenue

The car's front (at the passenger side) not compressed very badly but she got wedge in badly? Either the side got compressed onto her or the person sitting behind never fasten seatbelt... catapult onto the front seat killing her. Drive safe guys and ask your passengers to buckle up.
Re: Woman dies in early morning crash at Hillview Avenue

RIP, at such a young age somemore. :(

Bloody gahmen, who ask u plant the tree there!
Re: Woman dies in early morning crash at Hillview Avenue

online wanbao the following were reported:
1. That the car was a 5-dr, 12-20 year old car but maintained rather well; (srsly.. wtf?)
2. That the deceased was attractive and married early at 21;
3. That the driver was found pinned with his upper body leaning out of the window after the accident. A resident tried to pull him out but horrified to find his legs trapped and like jelly;
4. That there were 3 other passengers aged 17, 24 & 30. Two were injured quite seriously;
5. That the family of the deceased was informed at 3am and they immediately rushed to the morgue to claim the body; &
6. That the residents around the area burned incense nearby immediately after the accident

farked up driver... knn
Re: Woman dies in early morning crash at Hillview Avenue

Looks like a RX-8.
Re: Woman dies in early morning crash at Hillview Avenue

totoseow;1044306 said:
knn ppl die u still cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers

Drive safe
Re: Woman dies in early morning crash at Hillview Avenue

It's that car? Crashed car doesn't have carbon bits though.

A waste of a great car and life. Love those B16 EK4s...
Re: Woman dies in early morning crash at Hillview Avenue

my name is lambo totoseow lee
Re: Woman dies in early morning crash at Hillview Avenue

Gucci Tan... wahahahaha