Wiper Rubber Blades(w/o the securing bracket)


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Hi Branlye

Identity crisis here. Ur avatar similar to Azrielsc (BMW.sg admin). kekeke

Regarding the wiper, regret tat I do not have the lobang. All the while I change it as a whole. Think it was S$20 plus a pair.

Unclip old and clip new back in less than 1min. No worries of alignment and uneven surfaces.
Hi Whisky Tango,

Thank you... Think thats the only way out now, to save all the trouble & hassle.

hi, we have a lobang man for silicon wiper blades. they are supposed to be more kilat than rubber ones. look for rex7vtec in the forum.

also, PML does sell the "rubber only" part. you bring home to try to fix it to your existing plastic blade. it's much cheaper than buying the whole assembly of course. but the downside is that if you lan lan bend the aluminium strip, whole thing kena fuck. so you have to be extra careful.
Hi RaceBred,

Thank you for your info.. Any idea how much is 'rubber only' wiper blades cost from PML? I supposed the rubber blades measured 500mm & 575mm.

I've physically feel the structure of the blades & the bracket, I noticed that most of the holding points of the entire wiper blades were able to 'slide' as to enable the blades to flex inwards for the windscreen. Except for one end, where it's seemed to be 'hooked', I can foresee the difficulty part here.

As you've mentioned about the thin metal plate beneath the rubber blades, which cannot be bend when installing onto the bracket, I'm not confident for that.

Anyway, I thank you for your advise & info.

i dunno how much the rubbers cost. I enquired about it year or 2 back. i think it's about $14-$20?

as for the size, dont worry. if you buy from PML, it's confirm can fit one, since it's original BMW. just tell them your car model.

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