Re: Wind noise for e46 facelift
guys, the E90 comes with the M3 shape side mirrors and I am still encountering the dreaded wind noise. depending the various factors, sometimes the noise comes in at 100 kmph and sometimes 120 kmph. weather, cross wind, vehicles from other side of the road, etc. PML asked me to try driving with side mirror folded in and test if it affects the noise. obviously it does, more noise. wonder why I even go ahead with this experiment???
On my own investigation, I use masking tape to tape up the seal on the front wind screen -the noise was lowered. after much negotiation with PML, they agreed to re-apply the seal on the front wind screen and kept my ride there for 4 days. Got the car back and there was improvement but the sound is still there. maybe its a BMW design, read a car magazine that says that wind noise is pretty common above 100 kmph. NO, my previous ride was a Camry and no wind noise up to 145 kmph. But then again, a toyota is not a Bimmer when it comes to driving.....