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Where to spray paint rims and get temp shoes?


Well-Known Member
Kerb one of my rims and its an eyesore!

Anyone knows where I can spray paint my rims and get temp shoes? If there's any shop that provides this type of service? Thanks.
Re: Where to spray paint rims and get temp shoes?

Thanks, contacted them and they are most professional on the phone. Will visit them next week for a new look.
Re: Where to spray paint rims and get temp shoes?

Just go Hurry Tyre.
Make an appointment with them before you go. It's at their new Mackenzie Rd branch.
Guaranteed cheap, fast, good. Could be just (less than) an hour job if you make an appointment with them before going.
Re: Where to spray paint rims and get temp shoes?

share the results and pocket damage please.

kerbed mine too.
Re: Where to spray paint rims and get temp shoes?

I am smoothening one kerb rash and changing colour from metallic black to silver. They offer a set of new trade-in stock rims with tyres. Damage is 400, but must wait for a week. Thought it is a very good deal.
Re: Where to spray paint rims and get temp shoes?

Can you pm me the name and address. I want to get it spray too
Re: Where to spray paint rims and get temp shoes?

I just the 4 rims sprayed for 100 each at LS
Re: Where to spray paint rims and get temp shoes?

Hurry tyre quoted me $400, but on collection day, charged me $500 claiming the spray painting shop charges him $400 so he must make some money. Typical old businessman. Lol.
Re: Where to spray paint rims and get temp shoes?

It is 400 including the loan set. Will advise tomorrow when I collect my ride
Re: Where to spray paint rims and get temp shoes?

please PM me the address for LS....


Re: Where to spray paint rims and get temp shoes?

LS Tyres and Automative P L
53 Ubi Ave 1 #01-04/04 Paya Ubi Ind Park
Singapore 408934

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