Where to place FM transmitter for iPOD for best reception


Well-Known Member

just bought a XtremeMac FM Transmittor and connected it to my iPOD mini. It worked WITHOUT any other configurations at all which is great but the sound quality is not as good as expected. I tried this in my E46 last Sat. However when i try the XtremeMac with my iPOD mini on my mini-hi-fi at home, the results are very encouraging indeed! anyone can explain why this is so? and also where is the BEST place to place the iPOD-mini to get the best reception in the BMW E46. I understand from others that our antenna is at the back of the sedan, but however, placing my iPOD mini with the XtremeMac FM Transmitter at the rear seat or at the rear headrest did not help either.

I would appreciate if someone can shed some light on this FM Transmitter. THanks. :cloud9:

Re: Where to place FM transmitter for iPOD for best reception

Don't mean to be a wet blanket but almost all FM transmitter will not give you the clarity of sound you want. I've experimented with Belkin and Monster Cable FM wireless transmitter. You can place them anywhere in the car and they still don't sound good compared to connecting it directly to an aux input or through a cassette adapter which is what I finally ended up using. The iPod gurus in the forum are KT and Bugaboo. Check with them.
Re: Where to place FM transmitter for iPOD for best reception

so sad! I was so sure that the FM wireless transmitter would do a better job than the cassette!!!!!
May I know what brand of cassette adapter did you use? Thanks.
Re: Where to place FM transmitter for iPOD for best reception

IMO, the SQ for various interface goes like this, in order of preference:

1. Direct (via Icelink, BMW Ipod Interface, aux-in adapter for your after market HU, etc)
2. Cassette adapter
3. FM Modulator

But for ease of fixing them up, it goes it other way around.

For cassette adapter, I have read that people are most happy with Sony's. I am using Sony myself.
Re: Where to place FM transmitter for iPOD for best reception

Cannot remember the brand but i bought it from Apple Orchard for about $35. You need to spray some WD-40 onto the mechanism or else you will hear the gears moving when no songs are playing. I heard that the Pod Freq FM wireless transmitter is about the best in the market but it costs approx. $175. In spite of the countless no. of frequency that you can tuned to, you will realise that the best is still 88.7. Will try to post pic of my set-up later.
Re: Where to place FM transmitter for iPOD for best reception

KT said:
IMO, the SQ for various interface goes like this, in order of preference:

1. Direct (via Icelink, BMW Ipod Interface, aux-in adapter for your after market HU, etc)
2. Cassette adapter
3. FM Modulator

But for ease of fixing them up, it goes it other way around.

For cassette adapter, I have read that people are most happy with Sony's. I am using Sony myself.

Okay, here's my set-up. Power is supplied via the power adapter inside the glove box. You can buy it from eBay. Cost about $15. There is no supply unless you turn on the engine. This is good because you won't overcharge the iPod or drain the car battery. The Belkin charger provides the charging as well as for connecting the iPod to the cassette adapter via the thin white wire. One thing good about the this Belkin charger is that you can actually control the output. There is a bit of balancing to be done between the head unit and the Belkin because at certain levels, there is a humming sound. In order to reduce the humming, turn the head unit volume until the humming goes away, then adjust the Belkin output such that the output is not distorted. The whole contraption is placed completely inside the glove box, out of sight from prying eyes. To control the iPod, I use a RF remote control. I set the iPod on song shuffle and whenever i don't like the current song, i just use the remote control to skip to the next song. It works really well because it is using RF, not infrared. Sound-wise, it beats the FM transmitter I was using before. Buy a good cassette adapter like KT said because if you get a bad one, you can hear the gears turning. For KS reasons, i sprayed some WD-40 on the cassette adapter gearings and it is almost as quiet as a mouse.
Re: Where to place FM transmitter for iPOD for best reception

Hi Gabey

Many thanks for taking yr time to share with us on yr setup!!!!!!!!! it is really coooollllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!
And you are right....it is best with FM88.7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and I understand from the xtremeMac website that the reception is even better if you use the car charger with iPOD mini and the xtremeMac FM wireless transmitter!!!!!!!!!!!! Will have a go later and keep you guys informed ...............

Thanks again, Gabey
Re: Where to place FM transmitter for iPOD for best reception


where is the place to buy Sony cassette adapter? Is it Bugis Junction Sony Centre?
I would appreciate yr advice and the price of this Sony cassette adapter. :cloud9:

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