Wheel Spacers


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if it comes out of your car body, when your suspension compresses due to road conditions, your tyres will damage your fenders and your fenders will damage your tyres.

u will also lose performance of your ride, as spaced rims will not be as gilat original. for high quality spacers, you can try ACS spacers from Benzline. otherwise, you can machine your own to your own specs.
Ic ... but lets imagine this, when i turn my wheel when entering a tight corner, the tyres will still come out of the car body, as in part of it due to the change of direction for the front wheels, wont it? :thinking:

Btw, u were saying about machining my own spacers, so i juz need to tell the shop to make it 5x120? How about the diameter of the spacer? Any estimate on the cost of that?

TIA ;)
diameter of the spacer should be same as your wheel hub, or the piece of the rotor where the rim touches and sits on. remember, uneven expansion of the spacer due to heat may cause wobbles.
jryby, I would advise against machining your own spacers unless you

1) Know exactly what a strong safe alloy is
2) Can get get your hands on it from someone who will not bank on your inexperience in the area and substitute it with some cheaper/weaker alloy of unknown composition.
3) Know a good machinist who will properly design around your rim/hub (chamfers etc.)

If I wanted to get spacers I'd try to just buy ones that have been used by many people (or at least one or two personal friends) that have been run in harsh conditions for extended periods of time [proven tough].
Ooo ... so do u have any recommendation as for wat material i should use for the spacers? Steel? Iron? Copper :silenced:

Ic ... but lets imagine this, when i turn my wheel when entering a tight corner, the tyres will still come out of the car body, as in part of it due to the change of direction for the front wheels, wont it?

Any comments on the above statement (no pun intended) but because i wont wan my fender dropping off when exitin a corner :oops:

Btw, will have sachs performance + perhaps an ARB reduced the odds of my tyres rubbing?

ps. damn u reply at such an amazing pace ... :thumbsup:

Hahaha ... i meet none of the 3 requirements stated by u :angry:

do u know how much does the ACS spacer cost or do u happen to know any machinist?
7075-T6 aluminium alloy perhaps. 4340 steel alloy would be very strong but overkill - too much weight and strength..also harder to machine.
Sorry I don't know a good machinist in Singapore. Not that there aren't - I just haven't looked for them.
What rims do you have? The best thing to do is to source for spacers from the manufacturer of your rims; hopefully these come in the thickness that you need.

I think RB might have gotten to know that Benzline carries AC spacers because I recently got them from there (I'm on AC rims), and I told him about it. (RB: Don't be angry if that's not the case hor, hehe..) Not sure if those might fit other rims; I think should be OK, but your best bet is still to look for spacers made by makers of your rims.

One thing though: 15mm or 20mm is heck of a lot for spacers! I'm not sure you'll be happy with your car's overall balance after fitting these. I was told that general rule of thumb is, if you can help it, try to stay within 5mm or less.

I used spacers for my car as well. I asked Phoenix Enterprise to custom made for me BUT mine is only 7mm thick.

Call them....they are good in spacers :)


I used spacers for my car as well. I asked Phoenix Enterprise to custom made for me BUT mine is only 7mm thick.

Call them....they are good in spacers :)

I'm not sure you'll be happy with your car's overall balance after fitting these. I was told that general rule of thumb is, if you can help it, try to stay within 5mm or less

May i know wat will be the difference after installing those spacers? I always had the impression that the wider the tyres are apart, the better the handling.

Btw, my rims are made by BBS and designed by pininfrina.

I used spacers for my car as well. I asked Phoenix Enterprise to custom made for me BUT mine is only 7mm thick.

Call them....they are good in spacers


Thanks steven :wavey: , will give them a ring to check it out. May i know how much did ur 7mms costed?

Btw, are those spacers giving u any prob so far?
jryby said:
I'm not sure you'll be happy with your car's overall balance after fitting these. I was told that general rule of thumb is, if you can help it, try to stay within 5mm or less

May i know wat will be the difference after installing those spacers? I always had the impression that the wider the tyres are apart, the better the handling.

A technical explanation is beyond me, but my layman explanation is that when you add spacers, you're artificially extending the length of your axle; your track might be wider, but you achieve it at the expense of introducing extra component between axle and wheel.
I see ... well i guess i will give it a try 1st to see how it feels ... who knows, i might like it :dance:

Hey but thanks for letting me know ;)

you're artificially extending the length of your axle

you mean theres a way to naturally increase the length of my axle? :screwedu:

hahaha j/k only :laughlik:

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