what is this?


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Re: what is this?

Haha NS you already know or really asking us?
Looks like a E92 M3 coupe.
But the photo does looks like it has been worked on.
Re: what is this?

that if im not wrong is a very well Photoshopped pic... i think it was on E46Fanatics quite some time back.
Re: what is this?

Its all been photoshopped... lets just wait and see....
Re: what is this?

I can see that you hv not been surfing internet much..hahaha...j/k
All photoshopped, confirmed...and IF the real car looks like the first pix then it's really menacing looking piece of machine
Re: what is this?

Oh shit i am in love with that car!
Re: what is this?

sure and u will also get loads of attention from your friendly TP and ROV....................:p
Re: what is this?

Gombat said:
sure and u will also get loads of attention from your friendly TP and ROV....................:p

why wld u get loads of attentiond frm TP and ROV???... wats so very illegal ???... the photos being photoshopped???...
Re: what is this?

Holy shit, see how low profile the tyres in the first pic?
Re: what is this?

Gombat said:
sure and u will also get loads of attention from your friendly TP and ROV....................:p

errr... i prefer chiobus from Bala or Thumper wor ... does TP and ROV have any chiobus officers and where they let their hair down after a hard day's work? They go Bala or Thumper?


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