Wash engine compartment

Re: Wash engine compartment

i think by washing car engine is dangerous, juz leave it to the professional...
mayb back to performance motor
Re: Wash engine compartment

With all the electronics and sensors in your BMW, I'd rather not wash the engine compartment...
Re: Wash engine compartment

HIGHly not recommended unless the guy is a PRO.......

I have seen cases, where the washers with high pressure jet guns shoot off hoses from engines.......yikes......:whattheh:
Re: Wash engine compartment

afaik, PML offers it as part of their grooming package.
Re: Wash engine compartment

Washing the engine compartment is perfectly fine. I do it every other month.
As long as you dont hose into the ECU compartment, and areas just behind the headlight asssembly, its ok. Most of the sensative electrical components are already covered up.

I always do the following:

1) Tape up with glap warp/or whatever to cover exposed wires if i find any. (Not many)Also thighten&secure all caps, clamps, covers etc..

2) Using controlled small amount of water - lighty spray over. Apply Engine degreaser or engine detergent.

3 Scrub clean dirty areas

5) Rinse with Water.

6) Dry the Engine up. Air jet spray dry if possible.

7) Apply ARMOUR ALL to all rubbuer hose, seals, covers etc...

8) Admire.

If lazy, just go down to the workshops and have them clean it for you! THey will really hose it down with water and dry it with air jet! 20Mins Job. Inexpensive. BVO and J4C are just some of those shops will does it regularly.

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