Vibration issue


Well-Known Member
eh guys I need assistance here.

Ever since I've started driving my 1M I've never went past 4k rpm but recently when I attempted to hit the higher revs I noticed a problem. I felt vibrations in the car I can feel the car shaking in my seat even at low revs after the attempt, so I put it in neutral and rev it to about 2k+ rpm and the shaking/vibration is more rapid as the rev climbs higher.

I then switched off my engine let it rest for about 15 to 20 mins. After that back to normal, no shaking and vibrations at normal driving range all the way home. Intending to bring it down to munich soon. Any idea what is wrong? engine mount?

Thanks in advance.

Navi ;)
Re: Vibration issue

1M also using the same HPFP model as the non-M N54 models? I thought there is already a software update which could prolong the HPFP lifespan?
Re: Vibration issue

Sorry but what is hpfp?
Re: Vibration issue

It does sounds like it as well cause the engine did sound like it was stuttering.
Re: Vibration issue

High Pressure Fuel Pump.

Do a google on N54 + HPFP issues.....
Re: Vibration issue

kenntona;1051831 said:
High Pressure Fuel Pump.

Do a google on N54 + HPFP issues.....

Kenn good mood today. Must be a chio client. Congratssssssssss....
Re: Vibration issue

Thanks guys!

I've sent the car in. Let them handle it. :)
Re: Vibration issue

Ask the WS to flash the EKP module to the firmware release that addresses this problem ........ Will improve by priming the HPFP first etc.

This is assuming if it is really the hpfp........hopefully it's something simpler like spark plugs or coil pack causing misfires etc ......
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Re: Vibration issue

Problem was directed to the charge pipe according to the person whom I talked to.
Re: Vibration issue

Got crack I think. At the end of the day he was guessing based on his experience he had with the 1m. I guess they will check once it goes into the workshop. I'll ask when I collect my car lol.
Re: Vibration issue

You using JB4 etc to increase boost ? Maybe change to a more robust charge pipe ?

If not - charge pipe normal boost normally won't burst.

Navi;1051962 said:
Got crack I think. At the end of the day he was guessing based on his experience he had with the 1m. I guess they will check once it goes into the workshop. I'll ask when I collect my car lol.
Re: Vibration issue

No leh. My car is stock the only thing extra is the grey front lip.
Re: Vibration issue

chesterchong is the guru on the topic of 1M charge pipe!
Re: Vibration issue

Are all N54 & N55 charge pipe made of plastic ?
Re: Vibration issue

My SA called charge pipe no issue...... but will start to misfire at 5k rpm and won't stop misfiring until the engine is restarted. They running diagnosis to figure out what happen so it will take longer than usual. :)
Re: Vibration issue

Ask for the error code(s).....
Re: Vibration issue

Navi;1052108 said:
My SA called charge pipe no issue...... but will start to misfire at 5k rpm and won't stop misfiring until the engine is restarted. They running diagnosis to figure out what happen so it will take longer than usual. :)

hi Navi, i'm quite sure that it is your ignition coils.. ;) In particular, check cylinder 5.

If charge pipe burst even if you restart the car also no use. misfiring can be linked to either coils or spark plug. our N54 coils are not fantastic and i had them replaced before.

Also, to cover all angles, do you happen to have a tune in your car? If all else fails i would strongly suggest you to go to the Doc Rod @ woodlands. :)
Re: Vibration issue

I didn't do anything to the car. It's stock. :)

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