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Used TME for sale.


Well-Known Member

Hello T6,

What is TME?
black_cat said:

Hello T6,

What is TME?

Supposed to be some kinda tranny mount that will reduce vibration. Give BVO's Ah Wee a call. He might be able to explain betta. Henry may have even left the item with him.
the mount itself reduces vibration, but the tranny mount ENFORCER makes this transmission mount stay "stiffer" to the chassis, making it increase the vibration transmission to the cabin, relative to stock. plus point is that a tranny that doesnt move all about the place gives a more direct power transmission to the propshaft.
Racebred said:
the mount itself reduces vibration, but the tranny mount ENFORCER makes this transmission mount stay "stiffer" to the chassis, making it increase the vibration transmission to the cabin, relative to stock. plus point is that a tranny that doesnt move all about the place gives a more direct power transmission to the propshaft.

Thanks for the clarification Shawn. I have always wanted to find out what the E in the tmE stands for. Now I know. :thumbsup:
the enforcer actually refers to an aluminium cap that goes halfway up the rubber mounting, hence reducing the space for rubber flex by about half.

some ppl dont include the aluminium enforcer when they are installing it, then it simply means the mount is just about stock. The rubber is slightly stiffer than stock, so any "stiffness" purely comes from the rubber being relatively harder only.

hope that increases the understanding of those interested.

Thanks for info, Racebred. In layman's terms, does it mean that the car will get more direct HP but suffers in comfort due to the vibration?

in a way, according to many owners, yes, more vibration. currently i have the UUC TME in 2 cars too. both experienced increased vibration. But i changed also coz my stock ones are out of shape anyway and instead of buying stock again, i changed to UUC.

i dont think you get inproved bhp with TME.

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