Ticking sound from the dashboard


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Legendary 10 Years
Re: Ticking sound from the dashboard

Wayansurfer said:
Hi All,

Got the above mentioned. It doesnt happen always..but kinda irritates me.
What could it be?

Can you describe more as in whether it happens when you are over bumpy surfaces or what?

Cos if that's the case, it might be your IU cable that runs across the dashboard (inside). Just have to get PML to tape it tightly on the inside of dash area.

Dun bother to find out what is the problem. Just send in the PML..Mine had the same problem...rattling sound from somewhere inside the dashboard...It took them 3 days to troubleshoot the sound and got it fixed! It was so frustratiing...but now, no more sound...
heh welcome to the club.

mine still has a rattling sound from the aircon, when it is switching bet re-cirulate and fresh air mode. sounds like a rat running - cluck cluck cluk sound.

send in to pml once liao but still has the noise. :angry:
The sound doesnt come on bumpy roads.....
Even tho stationary..the sound still exist.

The sound is more like a time bomb ticking away..after dat its gone.
And its not from the clock either... :verysad:
I have a ticking sound in the car only when the car starts up in the morning. It's there for 5 seconds then its gone...
Same problem for my E34, someone told me its the engine's valve ticking... you should be able to hear it from the outside also right?
can you tell which pml you went, and who's the advisor, my problems came from the driver seat and aircon, I have already sent my car to pml - alexandra road, for a few times, they still cannot fix it.

i've dismantled the entire console...and realised theres a tiny fan inside there..i'll check it out on the BMW TIS and let u know...but could it be that?..i dunno...maybe the axles worn, the little fan somehow..erm..u know..faulty?..

later man..

BRahh...the problem has been eliminated.
IT was actually the the fan rotating as what u've mentioned. Vincent dismantled it and its gone.
wayansurfer, is the ticking sound a rhythmic one? cos i have this periodic ticking in my dashboard (every 30 sec). PML cannot find the fault and its quite irritating. they suspected some heater valve and replaced/modified it but this morning when i drove w/o the aircon (which is rare) it was still there... hmmm...
Wayansurfer said:

BRahh...the problem has been eliminated.
IT was actually the the fan rotating as what u've mentioned. Vincent dismantled it and its gone.


good for u man!..i was just going to give u the part no.s!..

nice and silent now then...;)..brilliant!!

btw, u caught the Renault duo storming thru to take the GP championship eh?..cool man..:)
Re: Ticking sound from the dashboard


I also seem to have that ticking noise...more like cluck cluck coming from the dashboard are...any idea?
Re: Ticking sound from the dashboard

Wayansurfer;27183 said:
The sound doesnt come on bumpy roads.....
Even tho stationary..the sound still exist.

The sound is more like a time bomb ticking away..after dat its gone.
And its not from the clock either... :verysad:

The sound comes on when you start your car and goes away after a while? If that is the case i think it is those flaps in the aircon unit that are acting up, had mine replaced recently. They will need to dismantle your dashboard to fix it so be prepared to leave your car in the workshop for 2 days at least.
Re: Ticking sound from the dashboard

My sound seems to act up when I have been driving in trafic for a while. Just a faint cluck cluck from the dashboard area.

Suprisingly when I open the bonnet and close it , the sound seems to dissappear.

I dont really want to open the dashboard if I can help it. That may result in more sounds. So I'll keep monitoring this intermittent sound.


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