The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG


Staff member
The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG

Welcome to BMW.SG!

For quite a number of you, using forums may be your first-time experience and it may be quite confusing to those who have not much experience with using a message board.

Here are some tips and starters to get you off the right track.

1. Read The Rules & Regulations First! (Important!)
The admin team has worked hard for the past years to keep the forums a friendly and healthy place to be for all BMW-related discussion. To keep the peace and focus on our long term goals, we have set down rules and regulations which must be adhered to. Please read the rules, regulations and policies here.

>> BMW.SG Rules & Regulations

2. Take your time to look around.
Don't worry about not getting the hang of using the forums. Browse the index page at and go through every different part of our forum. You will find that we have broken down each category into various parts of the site, do click around and get a feel of how the structure of the site "flows".

3. Take The First Step To Post a Thread.
The BMW.SG forum is a highly interactive meeting place where you can get to know other BMW owners and enthusiasts. Start off by introducing yourself to the rest of the other members by creating a thread in our (Introduction & Greetings!) folder. You will find that there are many other threads which have been created by other fellow members who have also recently found us, just like you have.

>>Introduce yourself and get a head-start.


You must have at least 20 posts and must be registered at least 5 days in order to be automatically upgraded to a BMW.SG Member.

If you are not a BMW.SG Member, your account will be restricted by not having the following functionality:
  • New threads (i.e. you cannot create new forum threads - you can post however to an existing thread)
  • Private Messaging
  • Signature Use
  • Views to certain folders etc.

New users however, can post a thread(click the button below) in the introduction forum.

So start by saying hello and tell us what car you drive, hobbies you're into, and something to break the ice.

The discussion forums has been around for ages and it's likely someone else would have the same problems, issues as you have had before, and very likely have immediate answers in an existing thread.

Searching also helps us keep the forums clean from repeated questions and cluttering up our forums.

Also use common sense, if your car is a new car, and has a warning signal light appear on your dashboard - it would be better to call your local dealership IMMEDIATELY instead of waiting for hours from a reply from one of the forum members.

Additional tip:

Using Google Search may be more effective than the forum's native search engine.

To search BMW.SG using Google and have only BMW.SG's results, type the following:

" your-query-here"

E.g. How to top up oil

Click here for an example result -

(Tip contributed by member CP30)

5. But... Don't Feel Afraid To Ask Questions
We are all here to exchange and empower ourselves through information sharing, making new friends and learning more about our BMWs. Don't feel afraid to ask a question, a second opinion (before your next major purchase) , advise or really, anything at all. Most, if not all regulars are ex or current BMW owners and have the experience and knowledge to answer most of your queries.

6. Explore, Engage and Enjoy Yourself.
We are not an online-only group only. We do hold monthly meetup sessions where members can meet each other and various events (convoys, track days, tech talks etc.) throughout the year. Do check out our BMW.SG Events & Gatherings folder to see whether there are any organised events and do feel free to join in.

>> Monthly Meetup FAQ

Lastly, do remember to have fun online and offline, we are afterall, a community which learns and thrives together.
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Re: The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG

How does the Polo look like and how much?
Re: The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG

You say got 6 steps, but I count only for 5 leh... hee...
Re: The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG

nice ride dude, welcome... do post it at the newbie folder wit some pics...
Re: The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG

Hi dudes and dudettes. I already purchased some stuff from the parts page thing, cool. Happy to be here in this forum now. Be gentle on this newbie ang mo!!! cheers
Re: The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG

hi all,

i got a 320i about 3 months ago, and enjoying the ride. i joined this group to know more about the car i have learned to love.
Re: The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG

lol..this thread has become a newbie thread..anyway welcome all! enjoy ur stay! woots.
Anyone interested to buy 320CIA (2003)?


I am new to this forum, helping my bro to sell his car 320CIA coupe in Black. Reg on early Aug 2003. Can anyone help at wat price should i consider a good price to let go?
Re: The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG

hohoho,wait for the lowballers to see this!!
Re: Anyone interested to buy 320CIA (2003)?

Jenn;199830 said:

I am new to this forum, helping my bro to sell his car 320CIA coupe in Black. Reg on early Aug 2003. Can anyone help at wat price should i consider a good price to let go?

Is this the one? BMW 320CIA Coupe Details - sgCarMart
Re: The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG

A new post from 2008!

Any more noobs apart from me??

Want to know more about this range of luxury cars...
Re: The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG

hi, im new here too,

been a long time fan of the blue-white roundel.

Re: The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG

hi everyone!

am new here too. but am totally clueless about posting and such! I think this is my first post!
Re: The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG

hahaha, take your time guys, you will get the hang of it

Just go to "new posts" it will list all the titles of the threads, then check them out
Re: The 6-Step New User Guide to BMW.SG

hi i m new....i mean i hv a new pimple.

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