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selling my car lic number......SV35J.....Highest bidder.....sms me at 97911811
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Re: Sv35j

25k and you are still waiting?
what is ur target price?
Re: Sv35j

Sorry, how would anyone know the highest current bid?
Re: Sv35j

Hi guys, sorry but I can only state the highest bid and you guys can choose to believe or not.

If the person who is interested, I believe he would be aware of prices for vintage plates and also would have done some market research before bidding for my plate.

I think for alot of people that uses the bidding system in the BNS forums also state the highest bidders, its just that in their forums they are not bidding for Vintage plates.
Re: Sv35j

I think in 2015 the value will be worth >$60k. So you should keep it longer.

Huat ah!
Re: Sv35j

I meant no harm...Im just trying to sell off my number plate here....anyway most likely will confirm with buyer by the end of this month if no higher bidders.
Re: Sv35j

Few years ago, I was offer SQ2 , EE2 for less than $40k but did not buy which I still regret. What so exotic abt number 35 ? My neighbor SS3S got $ also cannot buy coz they do not want to sell
Re: Sv35j

Hi guys! I never claim that my plate is exotic or anything. Just a simple BNS thread, anyway it is still ups for sale. Pls SMS or contact me at 97911811. Thks everyone!
Re: Sv35j

It would have been much more straight-forward if you had just indicated your desired price and not come up with "highest bid" and "believe me or not" thingy. That certainly invited very blunt comments from some of us.

Ok, have you tried putting the plate for bidding at eBay or Yahoo auctions? This way, you can find out if your desired price is realistic. You can always set that price as your reserved price and see how people throw in their bids. If the gap is too big, you may want to re-adjust your expectation. Of course, such numbers mean more to some than they do to others so there is really no fomula to determine its worth and value. Good luck.

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