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Stock bumpers E46 Pre FL


Staff member
Do not be afraid, the person will pick it up.

Thanks to those who read this thread. I have had 2 confirmed buyers on two separate occasions and both had agreed to pick up the items but in the end the buyers never bother to show up despite my reminder sms.

Having gone thru both, I become rather pissed off and I hv decided to throw away the items above!

I do not appreciate those two so called "confirmed buyers" who in the end backed out without a single word of explanation nor apology.
In my opinion, that's unprofessional and unacceptable.
have u thrown yours away already?
i also have a set of front bumper pre-facelift. almost threw it away last week but our garbage lorry was full already. it's in silver, and it's quite dirty. suitable for ppl who want to demod car for sale, or for langah cases.

willing to trade it for latest issue of FHM.

if there are no takers, bumper will be discreetly placed in neighbour's trash can for disposal by end of month. pls, no plane flyers.
Why don't you guys ask if any of the workshops want them? It's quite a waste to throw those away leh. I'm sure if they want, they can arrange for transport to pick them up from you.
Brothers, keep me in mind. Mine's a pre-facelift model.

Will likely strip the Hamann sideskirts for sale next year if and when I scrapped my car. Need the stock bumpers and sideskirts to swap.

Shawn - I have FHM mags for the last 12 months. Will throw in the collectible editions of "Best of FHM" or "Gals Next Door."

Jack - What do you want? Some photos of Sarah Tan or Denise Keller?
Thks Kenn
That is very nice of you..Surely will keep you in mind. I am sobbing as I write this message

I hv all those photos u mentioned above.
Do u happen to have this year's Playmate? That's what I am after.
Thank you brother Kenn..Thank you..
jaskin said:
er... I got PMOTY ai mah?

Chope. With or without Jenny McCarthy also take......

I will give you my stock gear knob or handbrake lever in exchange.

:shock: :shock: :shock:
If u have something like that, please pm me....I always hv something related to cars to give away in exchange for that kind of material..

Ok, Not OT-ing..
Kenn, u hv truck to pick up or not?
actually the whole set also can fit into the cabin, front and rear bumpers and also side skirts, but make sure u polish your leather after you get home! ;) :) :laughlik:

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