Spraying of Car - Spray over or strip current paint first?


Staff member
It really depends on the colour of your car.

Certain colours can be sprayed over with the secondary coat because the base paint will not show.

E.g If your car original paint is red...and you want to paint it pearl white. You have to most likely strip it down and THEN paint it white. If not your car may look pink(haha) in some edges where the paint is not laid out well. Or simply that the base paint is too "strong" / "bright" along that lines.

However, if you have a dark base colour car, black/grey etc.. red may go over it without showing up the original paint.

Has your ACS kit been fitted already? If not, just bring everything down and spray one shot sui sui. Because your painter (whoever he is) will have to prepare and mix the paint. If you show him you got extra stuff, better to use the same paint then come down another day. He will spray individually then fit it on.

On yah, heck the finance ministeress, she wouldn't know. Hahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha..

Post some photos once you're done man!
Interesting question. I was wondering that myself but always forgot to ask.
BTW Nuke where are you planning on painting your ride?
I agree with what ryan said- however, they willl have to sand down the clear coat in all cases -other wise the paint won't "bite" and may peel off later
Re: Spraying of Car - Spray over or strip current paint firs

Nuke said:
Hey bros!

I was asking around 2 shops when I was either at BVO or J4C. Kinda confused now.

If I want to respray my whole car to another colour, will they:

1) First strip the paint on my current car, then spray the new colour?


2) Only can spray "on top" of my current car colour?

Any bros got any experience changin the colours of their rides?

Cos i thought they sand it down but it seems they only spray over..

Oso, for the ACS kit, do i fit it on then spray or spray individually then fit it on?
*Pending...hahaha, awaiting approval from finance ministeress*

Actually, it's better to ask the paint workshops directly instead of J4C or BVO cos' they dun do spray paintings. I'm sure you'll get a clearer picture of how it's done if you ask yew lip or sin wee chuan etc..just my thots.
Ryan, I just asked for the quote and all. $11,400 from PML.
Front, Rear, Side, ACS bootlip, AC side mirror, Type 4 18" rims. Under serious consideration. But takes about a month to come in. This will be parts alone. Not inclusive of the "beautiful" work done by PML staff. That should set me back another $10k huh? hahahahah..

Yea dude steven, sorry if misleading. I walked over to paint shops while my car was at BVO or J4C. Wasn't askin them. But yea, will call up those guys in the workshop page. Thanx. Out of the 3, i said cannot do, other said spray on top, the other din wanna say. Insist i drive car over.... hahahah

The car's base colour is orient blue. I'm toying with the idea of silver or black. But den..my cab hood is dark blue. Still pending..

Jaskin, i'm still lookin around.
Hi Nuke,

Go visit Mike and Ah Boon they are pretty cool and friendly. The other high end place for paints, from what I've heard, is TCL Paint at Teban Gardens, I think the PTC is Ah Long.