Self importing...


Well-Known Member
Hi all

Wanna get some opinion or views regarding importing a car to Singapore.

I currently live overseas (UK) - am thinking of coming back to Singapore in the next few months. Since I'll need a car when I'm back I'm currently thinking of whether it would be a good idea to import a 2nd hand beemer... The self import details on one motoring look a bit daunting so I thought that perhaps I'll ask a parallel importer to help (and of cos pay him for his services la). Do you folks think it'll be worth it? I guess I'll get to see the car here before it goes on the ship so there'll be no surprises there. Thing is - the sums don't really add up.

I'm thinking of importing a 6 series.

2nd hand 630 here is about £38K, thats S$91K (2.4 exchange) - therefore ARF, COE, 10K extra brings it to $130K. Freight say $5K, services to importer say $5K - altogether $230K. I might as well get this: Used BMW 630Ci Car for Sale from Singapore, Shuang Hup Credit - sgCarMart

What do you all think?
Re: Self importing...

bro, the key is your purchase price of the used 630, and it has to be under 3 years of age to qualify for PARF rebate. It seems the OMV of most 2nd hand 630 in SG are under $80K.
Re: Self importing...

I tot it might be better to buy a used local 630 n bring in yr new mod or newer engine (maybe 650 engine) here..
alot of our local members wanted M5/M6 might as well you bring in from Eu n offer these here to us?