Run-Flat can Repair ???


Well-Known Member
I got a big nail pierced through my RH rear run-flat yesterday. The nail was "stuck" at the centre of the tyre. Call one of the tyre shop and was told run-flat cannot be repaired. Was asked to replaced with new one. Call PML emergency and was told to drive on and come in on Monday. Need to leave the car there and then to be advised. Called my regular tyre shop and was patched on the spot with 2 instead of 1 rubber. He said he has done the same before. After one day check the tyre pressure and it remains the same.

Anyone has got the same experience and got it patched the same way? Or anyone got anything to share? It is still quite confusing whether run-flat can be repaired or not. :confused:
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???


Here's a link on runflat tyres and there's a section regarding the repair.

It seems that the stiffer sidewalls in runflats that support the tyres after they have been punctured may suffer damage after running with zero pressure. This should equate to a weaker tyre structure and subsequent punctures may not give the distance that you'd expect. Manufacturers do not recommend the repair of run flats due to this...

As for your scenerio, the tyre didn't deflate and the tear probably wasn't very big (smaller than 1/4 inch) so it may not be that bad?
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???

Thanks to both of you for the quick reply. Logically, RF should be able to repair and re-use if the damage is not at the sidewall and the tyre is not run at zero air pressure as it will damage the reinforcement without we knowing it.
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???

can. tested and proven. i had a similar puncture in sepang track. drove out to a small town...repaired using normal way..5 ringgit...went back to the track....n sped home NS at problem.
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???

totoseow said:
can. tested and proven. i had a similar puncture in sepang track. drove out to a small town...repaired using normal way..5 ringgit...went back to the track....n sped home NS at problem.

Thanks for your input. BTW, are you still on Run-flat with that repaired tyre? Or you have changed them into non-runflat? If you have, how do they compared in terms of performance especially road holding?
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???

wow ur car has run flat tyres?wat does it mean?is it when its bust..u still can drive?or?
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???

SFW said:
Thanks for your input. BTW, are you still on Run-flat with that repaired tyre? Or you have changed them into non-runflat? If you have, how do they compared in terms of performance especially road holding?

junk them once u r done with them..they r crap. am using the ps2 now. no fight. the run flats r heavy for one...n they r horribly jarring as well.
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???

totoseow said:
junk them once u r done with them..they r crap. am using the ps2 now. no fight. the run flats r heavy for one...n they r horribly jarring as well.
i presume u dont carry a spare. do you then carry some sort of tyre repair kit? thx
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???

yup i hv a airman repair kit in the car...altho i dunno how to use it. haha. forget the spare it weighs >20kg and without it ur car handles much better.
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???

nicholastan91 said:
wow ur car has run flat tyres?wat does it mean?is it when its bust..u still can drive?or?

Run-flat tyres not supposed to burst. When there is a lost in pressure, even at zero pressure, you can still drive on at 80 km/h for 250 km. That was what I read from the spec. It is the "special" reinforcement at the side wall that is holding your car.

I took some time today to read about repairing Run-flat in the E90 Post and there were 2 school of thoughts. One says cannot repair and the other says otherwise. But some of the arguement was quite logical in that it says as long as you are not driving at zero or low pressure ('cos will damage the side wall reinforcement) and if the nail does not pierced through the side wall, it should be able to patch it the normal way and use it again. Any contribution on this arguement?
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???

SFW said:
Run-flat tyres not supposed to burst. When there is a lost in pressure, even at zero pressure, you can still drive on at 80 km/h for 250 km. That was what I read from the spec. It is the "special" reinforcement at the side wall that is holding your car.

I took some time today to read about repairing Run-flat in the E90 Post and there were 2 school of thoughts. One says cannot repair and the other says otherwise. But some of the arguement was quite logical in that it says as long as you are not driving at zero or low pressure ('cos will damage the side wall reinforcement) and if the nail does not pierced through the side wall, it should be able to patch it the normal way and use it again. Any contribution on this arguement? i noe wats that...Any contribution on this arguement??ehh no..:laughlik:
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???

i have already proven it that its reparable if the puncture is in the middle. on the sidewall unless its a gash or tear...u can still repair the same way....otherwise u hv to junk it.
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???

Ahbengdriver said:
How much does a new RF tyre, in yr case a 17", cost?

I was at PML Kampong Arang today and was quoted close to S$400 for CSC2 Runflat. Sounds reasonable. Anyway, I didn't change after what I read from Totoseow.
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???

I've changed to non-runflats, but I had fixed a total of 4 punctures with the runflats on several occasions, opting for the rubber patch method and frankly I've not had any problems with it.

The real issue is about compromising the structural rigidity of the tyres - which means how much care goes into drving the tyres while underinflated. This is the "hidden danger" that you may not see - and may be driving on a 'time-bomb'.

Fortunately for me, they were all slow leaks, and I had time to re-inflate and check with my tire pressure gauge, until I could reach a tire shop. This is where the runflat indicators are very useful, as well as a good pressure gauge.

Look for a tire shop that has experience with runflats, as they require a different machine to handle it properly - I know that some shops have proper certification of the workshops to handle/install runflats from the manufacturers.
Re: Run-Flat can Repair ???

Besides good old PML, where can we get RF tyres and as oomph says a workshop that knows how to handle them.