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Resale value of 2001 330i


New Member
Hi, I've a 5 year 2 months old E46 330i that I'm planning to sell... Was wondering whether I will be able to fetch a better price by exporting my car or by selling it locally? Anyone has any advice?
Re: Resale value of 2001 330i

IIRC unless you drive an exotic, export values plummet after the first 3 years. 5 year plus car, your COE will be rather high so unless you're prepared to sell at close to paper value, i don't think your car will be competitively priced against newer second hand cars or even brand new cars.

deregister it and then part it out...take out juicy bits like engine, brakes, rims, tires, gearbox, rear diff to sell then send the rest to a scrap yard.

just my thoughts. i'm no expert on this matter.
Re: Resale value of 2001 330i

reveur said:
Hi, I've a 5 year 2 months old E46 330i that I'm planning to sell... Was wondering whether I will be able to fetch a better price by exporting my car or by selling it locally? Anyone has any advice?

I think it is hard to say. There are some local fellas who are very keen on a 330i especially if it is already nicely done up or has low mileage.

The ideal approach may be for u to get a sense from exporters as to how much your car body is worth. Then after that post your car for sale in the ST Classified, in this forum and other online sites such as SGcarmart.
Re: Resale value of 2001 330i

Ok, thanks for the advice. My car is in a pretty good condition, and probably just need some minor exterior touch up. The mileage is about 105,000km. If I can't get a good price for the car, will probably just spend some money to mod the car and keep it for another year or two...
Re: Resale value of 2001 330i

Someone selling a July 01 330i in today's papers for $99k. That is an indication for u. That car will fetch more coz it is less than 5 years and hence enjoy 130% of OMV. In your case, 120%.

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