Reporting Posts and Basic Forum Guidelines.

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Staff member
Dear all,

I have installed the "Report Post" function into our forum, it serves as a easy-to-use system whereby you can report a post which contains material which is not allowed in this forum, or if a topic is in a wrong category, or simply out of topic.

We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.

We have to take some action into making this forum a quality forum which everyone will enjoy, and keeping our forums in check is the first step.

With my recent post on forum etiquette, these are the few basic guidelines which everyone should and must follow. Failing which, we(me and the other moderaters) will have no choice, but to either amend/delete/move your thread/posts.

Forum Guidelines:

1. Keep OT(off-topic) posts to a minimum.

The rationale to this is, let's not come to a point whereby a thread in the General BMW Discussion folder gets polluted with OT posts, and just escalates into multiple pages with ZERO content related to the intention of the thread origin.

If you feel the need to make a joke/OT/ask a question relating to another question in the thread, please either, start a NEW thread. OR start a new thread in the OTHER appriopiate folders.

While OT posts are not completely avoidable, any thread with more than 4-6 OTs will be "cleaned". i.e Deletion of OT posts.

Overall quality of the forums will be much better and "readable".

2. Post in the appriopiate folder.

Posting in the correct folder, generally saves everyone time to read what they want to read, and save time on moderators having to keep moving your thread.

3. Be polite and civil on the forums.

BMW.SG is a public forum, so please conduct yourself in the best possible manner. If you have a personal dispute to settle with someone, SETTLE IT OUTSIDE THE FORUM AND WEBSITE. We will not tolerate anyone who decides to treat our forums as a place to vent their anger/frustrations on another general public(non member/civilian) / member. The moderators will delete threads if neccessary, and without given warning.

4. Avoid Political, Religious and Sexually-discriminating threads on the forum.

Do not post threads which attacks anyone in a personal, racial or religious way. Slander of a company/person will also not be tolerated, and will be deleted with immediate effect. Political content is divisive in nature and should be avoided.

5. Treat everyone with equal respect.

Through your use of this service, that you will not use this forum to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. Above all remember this is an automotive enthusiast forum.


Having said that much, we expect people's opinions to differ, and encourage freedom of speech and an exchange of ideas. But by engaging in the BMW.SG forum, you are participating in a community that is intended for ALL our members. Therefore, we reserve the right to remove any content posted that we deem unacceptable. These guidelines (or rules..) are intended to ensure the enjoyment of the forum by everyone.

We will be taking a more active stand in enforcing our guidelines from now, and we will require everyone's continued support in making our forum the best out there :)

Cheers to a better 2005!
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