refractive car number plate

Re: refractive car number plate

i hav that.. haven't kenna caught yet..haha
but there was once dis tp stared at my plate while we were movin.. then me.. i showed him my :thumbsup: .. and he sped off after that.. i tot i am deem to be fine.. but HENG AR...
Re: refractive car number plate

what is the function of the refractive number? is it for aesthetic or really can deflect lights. i saw many car on the road with this number plate. at night, the number look 'confusing'...
Re: refractive car number plate

pingman said:
hi bmw brudders. i recalled reading somewhere in this forum about group purchase of some kinda refractive car number plate. did a search, however, i cant seems to find it now.

i have a question after reading in some magazine that these refractive number lately. it was said that these car plate can 'masked' off red light and TP camera? is this true? if it is, anyone with these number plate kena caught by LTA or TP before? TIA.

Hi Pingman,

Yup, it's illegal as accord to LTA, how i know? God damm, cos i was stop by Tango Papa. I was told i be slap with a $70 fine but heng no demerit pt. The next day being gd citizen(of cse forced to be!) get a new original plate ,initially i thot of retaining it for my new ride. Anywae, no complaints, the penalty could be heavier knowing the speed i travelling @ hence i conclude it might be due to the speed u are at that probably caught their attn

Conicidentally, It happen on the day which i suppose to part with my 3.
kekeke, more memory yah.last day of ride kena TP pullover.

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