Rectangular Twin Exhaust



I notice that the Mercedes, Lexus, Porsche etc have rectangular Twin Exhausts. Do you think the rectangular twin exhaust looks better than the round twin exhaust?
Re: Rectangular Twin Exhaust

Google . F10 550.. u will find your ans there.
Re: Rectangular Twin Exhaust

Personally I would prefer the quads look.
Re: Rectangular Twin Exhaust

I like them quad round. Why "follow" the lexus or benz style?
Let them follow ours.

Bimmer pride ke ke....
Re: Rectangular Twin Exhaust

Only models ending with 50 have it
All other bmw have round pipes be it single, double or quad ...
Re: Rectangular Twin Exhaust

Someone asked me if there is any twin exhaust that is not noisy? Just go for the look and not for the sound?
Re: Rectangular Twin Exhaust

Isn't yours a twin exhaust?
If your friend is referring to quads... Then all.Lta compliance exhaust are not noisy.
If scare and want nice only...can put dummy.
Re: Rectangular Twin Exhaust

jonleeck;1024837 said:
Isn't yours a twin exhaust?
If your friend is referring to quads... Then all.Lta compliance exhaust are not noisy.
If scare and want nice only...can put dummy.

It is BMW 520i with twin round exhaust but not on the other side. Only want the look but not the noise. So install dummy and where to do it?
Re: Rectangular Twin Exhaust

Today I m in spoon mode.
You may go to our site sponsor here.... Fong Kim.
The dummy set I think will cost I around $300-350.
Re: Rectangular Twin Exhaust

To be honest.. in a 4potter bmw. .. the live quad will not be noisy at all.. especially in the cabin.
Go make it alive.
Re: Rectangular Twin Exhaust

jonleeck;1024847 said:
To be honest.. in a 4potter bmw. .. the live quad will not be noisy at all.. especially in the cabin.
Go make it alive.

So which brand of live quad is the quietest?
Re: Rectangular Twin Exhaust

The rect exhaust is just the tip that is rectangular. Inside is still round.
Re: Rectangular Twin Exhaust

U wan can also go and put another 2 dummy pots inside the engine.
Jon today v spoony..haha..good advice le...

Anyway he is right..shldnt be too noisy if u have the other quads working. But if u really wan look nia, dummy is good enough plus cheaper than getting another live exos

Good luck!
Re: Rectangular Twin Exhaust

I am thinking of modifying my LTA compliance SS quad with round tips to triangular tips. Ai join me mai?

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