quries on exhaust system.


Well-Known Member
i'm having some doubts...changing of exhaust system to a free-flow one...will it increase the fuel consumption???
Re: quries on exhaust system.

chenqing said:
i'm having some doubts...changing of exhaust system to a free-flow one...will it increase the fuel consumption???

not advisable to change free-flow on auto tranny. Semi flow will be good! back pressure is needed....eh....i shall stop here....

gurus...fall in...
lack of back pressure on an auto will cause your engine performance to drop faster than a hooker's panties...
littleblackalfa said:
lack of back pressure on an auto will cause your engine performance to drop faster than a hooker's panties...

can someone please explain why this phenomenon is specific to auto tranny and not other types like manual/SMG?
louis, with an auto there is a minimum RPM from which the engine must pull since the torque converter will stall at a fixed RPM. If you have power compromised in the range that the torque converter stalls, then you will always suffer the loss in performance.

With a manual, you just rev it higher, let the clutch out higher, and avoid the dead spot. It is higher wear, higher fuel consumption, but it works.

The same reasons for cam selection and phasing apply to different types of transmissions - full manual always being the more flexible of the group.
chenging, try reading the most recent 10 topics in the exhaust section of this forum. The views regarding backpressure are all there. cheers
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