Protecting the rubber coating on the centre console


Well-Known Member

Need some help here.

Does anyone have any idea on how to protect the rubber coating along the centre console? It's really frustrating as a slight rub the coating just kinda peels off. :furious:

Peel? I had the same freaking problem with the cup holder.

Ordered replacement box with silding cover at Eng Soon for $60.
I think replacement is just a short term solution.

Mine is the box with sliding cover.

I'm looking more to a long term solution as how to prevent the peeling.
My car is 4 yrs old.

$60 per 2-3 yrs is ok by me.

You can do it trial and error, but due to the material, protectants may weaken or even stain the rubbery surface further.
there is this stroe in SG that will coat it with a print.

looks like the real deal. my bro did it to his Evo8. even the corners were neat and clean!
will post up the shop contact when i ask him.
thanks for all the suggestions.

I think the ultimate protection is be really careful with it. And warn the person sitting in the middle behind "Be careful!!! or else... :shoot: "



Would like to know more about this store you are toking about.


eng soon does it at $60? Tats pretty cheap, does tat include labour?

If I aint wrong, its $150 to change the console box at PML.

If its really $60, I'm going for it at eng soon.

Yah man, the scratches on the rubber console r damn unsightly.
Re: Protecting the rubber coating on the centre console

Lousy material.

Scratch abit, peel.

FED UP man.

Ive given up. Someone even ashed his cigarette on mine in the rear cause he thought the cigarette ash tray was open and he missed. drunk fcuker...

E90 out liao! hahahaha

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