PML Grooming


Well-Known Member
Read somewhere in this forum that one member's maid do a better than PML?
Are PML of any good?

And I also read that the member got a discount for PML grooming?
Do they give discount.

Apparently based on reseacrh, while waxing is a very common way to groom your car, it is supposed to hurt your car more than protect.
Beside, waxing surely wouldn't really last for long would it?
But if anybody likes waxing, I recommend Mr. Shine....good finishing.

Back to PML, the nano sealant that PMl applies is supposed to offer real protection.

Fellow BM owners, any advice?

I am also thinking abt Amazing Glaze and Glare, which seems to be working in similar way.
Re: PML Grooming

waynechai said:
Read somewhere in this forum that one member's maid do a better than PML?
Are PML of any good?


U looking for my maid? She is busy grooming my car.

Nothing against the products PML using... is the ppl in PML that handles our ride when grooming that SUCKS!!.

Can u share more about the research that waxing does more harm than protect?
Re: PML Grooming

I think you mean that 'polishing' would hurt more than 'waxing'. Polishing supposedly removes top layer of paint, and waxing is self explanatory?
Re: PML Grooming

This is copied by my friend, from another grooming company, Amazing Glaze or Glare I couldn't remember.

The Dangers of using cheap waxes and polishing products.

Waxing has been the most popular choice for auto paint maintenance since the beginning of the 20th Century and consumers have been naively following this ritual blindly without realizing that waxes cannot withstand our tropical climate or temperatures above 26 deg.C . Even the car’s warm engine will cause the wax’s oil to migrate, causing them to haze, blur and worse of all, creating a oily and sticky surface that actually attracts more harmful airborne pollutants and road sands to settle onto the waxed surface. That is why when you wash a waxed car, the trapped fine sands in the cool wax will always creates hairline scratches.

So is waxing your car a good thing or is it the opposite? Another fact that is of considerable importance is that etching chemicals and solvents that are blended together into the waxes to make the products more pliable for applications, and also to prevent wax properties from hardening into its original hard form (e.g., Candle is Solid Wax, these chemicals are still active and reacting with the paints’ molecular properties even after the waxing jobs are completed. Thus, the consequences are that these harmful chemicals will accelerates the oxidation process to the paint properties.

Remember that each time you wax or polish your car, due to the product’s powerful etching solvents added, not only will it remove stubborn stains and oxidized paints easily, quickly and effectively, but inevitably will also removes micron layers of good paint. Having said that, do you know that your car’s paint thickness is between 80 mils. to 110 mils? (1,000 mils = 1 millimeter). That is about the thickness of a strain of hair, and if you’ve ignorantly removed thirty (30%) percent of those micron layers of paint through waxing or polishing, the paint’s original Ultra Violet (UV) rays inhibitor properties will be extremely weakened, thus causing the paint properties to irreversible oxidation process by our Sun's strong UV radiation.
Re: PML Grooming

I tried PML before and I gave up on them after that....
Re: PML Grooming

waynechai said:
This is copied by my friend, from another grooming company, Amazing Glaze or Glare I couldn't remember.

The Dangers of using cheap waxes and polishing products.

Waxing has been the most popular choice for auto paint maintenance since the beginning of the 20th Century and consumers have been naively following this ritual blindly without realizing that waxes cannot withstand our tropical climate or temperatures above 26 ...............

As expected, i suspect that something like this could only be written by either a spray-paint shop or a competitor! I think many people here would attest to the positive aspects of good old polishing and waxing. Personally, i think each have its own merits and at the end of the day, it is a matter of dollars and cents (sense?). With the amount of money i need to pay amazing glaze or glare, i can buy many, many bottles of wax, polish, glaze, clay-bar, even an orbital polisher. But, the sad part is that you have to do it yourself. Then again, there's nothing like a good work-out from doing your own polishing and the amount of self-satisfaction. I remember the wash&wax sessions that Jack (where is he?) used to organise at Depot Road. It was a good way to bond also. It is a personal choice like so many things in life. Cheers~
Re: PML Grooming

saw the post on spa for car.
you know what they use? wax?
and how much is it when u said gd price?
Re: PML Grooming

waynechai said:
saw the post on spa for car.
you know what they use? wax?
and how much is it when u said gd price?

In fact, i think they also told me that wax was bad. Don't quote me on that though. They use Zainol's range of product i believe.

Sorry, can't remember how much it was exactly but i signed up for the package.

Just give Jermen or Roy a call, i'm sure he'll help you with ANY questions you have. :)


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