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Philips HID

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Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
F/S: Brand new Philips H7 Xenon Hid set complete with ballast and hid bulbs. Bought it at $960 2 months ago but its yours if the price is right. Pm me your offers. Thanks
Re: Philips HID

how are these different from the prolumen hid conversion kit?
Re: Philips HID

louis said:
how are these different from the prolumen hid conversion kit? and why are you taking them off?
Not very sure the dif louis, this was an extra set for my other project.
Re: Philips HID

MiuMiu said:
is this you elvis selling your fog set?
Yes its me but not the set im using at the moment. The set i have posted is brand new Philips 9006.Are you interested MiuMiu?
Re: Philips HID

am in tokyo now and still logging on to this site...boy this is addictive. i just scanned the malaysian bmw site...one the chaps there discussing the eisenman exhaust you offered...re. the hid...still thinking...how are you sir?
Re: Philips HID

You got to see a doctor about this MiuMiu, its not good for your health. How are things with you and hows the weather in tokyo?
Re: Philips HID

well the weather is crappy drizzling all day and cold....hotel could only get me to check in at 4pm...eventhough i arrived at 9am...don't stay at the mandarin oriental!...bought a tonne of japanese bmw mags, though i can't read a lic...will make my doctors appointment tomorrow...take care...
Re: Philips HID

You just reach tokyo today? When will you be back?
Re: Philips HID

in tokyo until tuesday night then off to seoul...back on sunday.
Re: Philips HID

louis said:
how are these different from the prolumen hid conversion kit?

I have no experience with this particular Philips 9006 package, but generally 'philips' is THE brand out there whenever one is talking about HID. Their ballast design is damn reliable. I'm using a philips ballast and bulb now, but under a taiwanese re-branded package.

The last philips HID I had - it lasted about 2.8 yrs, all the way til it got transfered to the new owner. Not a problem at all, no colour fade, no brightness fade, every single time it came on without flickering - consistent as hell. Philips is also the default OEM supplier for the german makes.
Re: Philips HID

i see... in other words, you get what you pay for... hmm, i will have to rethink my prolumen ambitions then....
Re: Philips HID

Any offers? This is a brand new Philips 9006 hid. Best for e46 fogs
Re: Philips HID

mikehue said:
an u provide me with more details? I am looking to change mine to neon
pm me your email and will sent you pics on the philips 9006 6k hid or alternatively you can
also do a search on philips website.
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