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Paddleshift Owners - Look Here !!!

Re: Paddleshift Owners - Look Here !!!

wilman2772 said:
Yah!! CF will be so so steam!!

Like this I also like....



'The Great White'

OMGWTFBBQ. :whatthe:
Re: Paddleshift Owners - Look Here !!!

While the Ferrari/Maser's paddleshifts look good but when driving it, I find our SMG paddle design is way better when doin the shifts. It's because the F/M paddle has this "long bridge" connecting the paddle mounting point and the blade.
Re: Paddleshift Owners - Look Here !!!

TripleM said:
While the Ferrari/Maser's paddleshifts look good but when driving it, I find our SMG paddle design is way better when doin the shifts. It's because the F/M paddle has this "long bridge" connecting the paddle mounting point and the blade.

One thing i feel about Ferrari's F1 transmission which is makes more sense than our SMG or SMG-II would be that the paddles don't rotate together with the wheel.

But then again i guess that's because we have the shift lever in the center console as well whereas they don't. But still.. it's so much cooler if it just remained stationary.
Re: Paddleshift Owners - Look Here !!!

Paddles that follow the steering is the right way to go man..eg F1 cars.
That's the reason why F/M come up with huge paddles coz they are stationary.
Re: Paddleshift Owners - Look Here !!!

TripleM said:
Paddles that follow the steering is the right way to go man..eg F1 cars.
That's the reason why F/M come up with huge paddles coz they are stationary.

Agreed man. Many considered the fer-la-li's stationary ones regressive and behind time.
Re: Paddleshift Owners - Look Here !!!

F1 car's paddles follow the steering wheel coz their full lock never goes until "hand-over-hand", but in road cars, it's down to preference.

Personally, both are okay by me.

For BMW, whenever i have a big steering angle, i will use the centre console gearstick.

For f&m cars, i simply go to 3 o'clock or 9 oclock for the shifts, lagi simpler.

Steering mounted or steering column mounted, both are nice to use. My only gripe is the tactile feel of pulling the BMW paddles. They feel more like pressing a button "click" more than a satisfying lever-pulling.

The best feel in my opinion is gallardo, followed by the f&m cars, followed by aston, then lastly bmw.
Re: Paddleshift Owners - Look Here !!!

i know u don't like bmw anymore: sob sob..
Re: Paddleshift Owners - Look Here !!!

Perhaps we could replicate the design in two ways:

(1) Replicate the entire paddles. The key component is the connector (to the steering). As long as precision is met, it should work fine. Will be stripping existing paddles for the workshop to replicate the joints. Blade can have own design.

(2) Just replicate the blade with own designs. Blade could be attached onto existing paddles without affecting the connector.

Whaddya think? Keep the ideas coming. I am experimenting on the second idea. Hopefully could get it done by end of month.
Re: Paddleshift Owners - Look Here !!!

hi how about making the paddle shift in 2 parts... same connector, different blades styles .. then can keep changing? :>

btw, u got a good CNC contact? care to share?