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OEM rear LED


Well-Known Member
I got a pair of used OEM rear LED light for sale. Is for facelifted sedan. Pls msg or give me a call if u r interested. 90230293
Re: OEM rear LED

This is a good buy...... Not even easily available on the USA market yet!
I bought and paid for one since march this year from AUTOWERKS in Sacramento,CA. THose guy till today have not even shipped me the product! Been chasing them for 8-9 months now! They are giving me a lot of BS excuse!
I am sick and bloody tired.
As of now, I am about to file a lawsuit against them! MFs!!!
Re: OEM rear LED

Is this for E46 4-door? Will the ECU track 'error' or 'bulb flaw'?
Re: OEM rear LED

Is for E46 4 doors. As for the error light ting... i nt too sure. Mayb u can call the number i posted n ask cos i m posting on bhalf of my frd. Tink he is sellin $350 or smtin like tat.
Re: OEM rear LED

I recently asked PML about the rear LEDs (for my PFL E46 cabrio) and they claimed that the lights may not function properly if you only changed the set without doing the reprogramming thingie...
Re: OEM rear LED

Yes, you have to re-programme your ECU after installing the LEDs. Also note that the LED rear lights for coupes and cabs are different (share different part numbers), unlike for the front headlights. AFAIK, only one PFL cab has successfully retrofitted the LED rear light onto his ride (nick cybertron). Tedious process, but chio nevertheless.
Re: OEM rear LED

Let me try to share my experience on the LED retrofit on a pfl cabrio.

Ok... based on what i've read, as long as ya car is manufactured after oct or nov 2001, u dun not need to change the LCM (light control module). In my case, my car was registered apr 02, and manufactured jan 02.

If you get the original bmw LED, once you connect up, it will work. Problem is on the dash, it will have a warning light for the rear lights like 2 rockets. This can be programmed to be removed.

I read alternatively, u can connect up 2 normal bulbs or resistors in a series. This will bypass the warning lights and dun need to do any reprogramming.

Thing that will not work like the real facelifted ones is the adaptive brake lights, which the outer ring will light up when you step hard on the brakes. There's supposed to be someone who created a diy mod for this in US, but not cheap. Alternatively, with simple wiring, you can make the outer ring light up whenever you brake. For this, I'm just too lazy to go tear out and do the wiring, so I'm living without the outer ring lighting up when braking for now. :)
Re: OEM rear LED

Hi Cybertron

Where & how much did you buy the LED Tail Lights for your E46 cabriolet and where did you instal it?

Re: OEM rear LED


Thanks but Dave confirmed that his supplier does not make aftermarket LED tail lights for E46 cabriolets.

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